Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

Chap. 3 T. An expo/itiose upon the tarok o f fo ä. Ve d, ;` / Tol gainft mankinde, or againfl the common converfe of man with man. Ifbrethren of the fame blood flied one anothers blood, Om can be fate ? There's no living in the world if the la raes of brotherhood and neigh!) , urhood are fe highly violated ; There. fore God leimfelfe told Cain; The vyce b f thy brothers bloodcrr- eth untomee from the ground ( Gen. ,}. to. ) 13 ooda the belt and the woríl fpeaker in the world. The blood whichChrift our elder brother freely flied for us, fpeakes peace and pardon ; But the blood ofa Brother violently fried by its, fpeakes wrath and ven- geance. When the Apofiie faith ( Heb: 12. 24.)0/e are come to the bred of/pri..tkling, that fpeaketh better things, then that of A- bel; His meaning is, not that Abels blood finite any good at all, but that the blood of Chrift fpeakes ircornparativelygood or the brit things fortis, as the blood of Abel fpake incomparatively bad, or the worft things againft Caine. Secondly Thofe fins which are committed with a highhand, that is, with Impudenceand boldnes against the light of nature, are crying fins (Cfen: 18. zz.) The Cry ofSodome (that is, the cry of the finof Sodom ) is e..rme up tome, faith the Lord. What was the fin ofScdooie, which made fah an out-cry co heaven ? It was the abomination of nature, Man harming in loft towards aian;Sodomieis the name and charaEtcr with which that fin bath gone and is branded to this day. The morevoyces 1peokeagoinft any fin, the louder and the ftronger is the cry of that fin against us. That fin which is condemned both by the voyce of the Law and of theGofpel, both by the voyce of the lawofNations ar d ofnature O how loud, how ftrong a cry dot's that make in the cares ofGod, to call downe wrath upon the un repenting fin nerl Thirdly , Thofe foule fins which are committed in feerer fo fecretly that they are pail finding out as to men (for as God bath his wayes and judgements which are altogether pair findingour; Hta wayes are in thedeepe, his paths are in the Sea, hie foot flop, are not knowae;fo we may fay of Tome Iinners(in a degree ;tbeir,path is in the Sea , and their footileps arenot knowne in the wayes of wickedneffe : their ftofull motions are like the motion of the Ea- gle in the ayre, which leaves no track, or like that of a Serpent on a roc c, which cannot be difcerned ) Now when a fin which according to its nature fall: under the Magifirates Cogoiz ince, d.ich