75 2. Chap. 3 I. 4a Expofttáaa ttpors ski 73ooi< of Jo a. Vert. 38. lothyet by its privacy elèape both the cognizanceand fentence of man. When (I fay) fins are thus flentlycommitted and wraps up in darkens, when they are not feene by men, nor confeffed before God, then they cry to God, who alonecan, andwho cer. tainly will bring to light the hidden things of darkenes,and judge the Curets of men, or thole things which men have done amiffc in the greateft fecrecy. Fourthly The open fins offuch perlons cry to God for J. Rice, whole perlons are ( upon the matter ) above the Jufliee of man. There's no dealing with forne (inners, as they breake the rule of the Law, fothey farenot the penalty ofthe Law. They. are great offenders in every fence; great offenders as to the hai- noulneffe of their offeelces,and great offenders as to the eminence of their places ; there is no coercing them by any humane power. Nowwhen the fins ofmen are beyond thereach of mans juffice, theycry toGod for Juftice, who is able to burnble the. proudeft, to crofh the Route(, and deale with the ftrongeit tranlgreffors, whore day is chiefely agai,nit the chiefes, agairft theOakes and Cedars, againfl,the highwalls and towers, that is, agairft every . offending perfon, how high or ftrong foever he is. All ehefe fins and wages of finning are fayd tocry toGod for v geance upon timers, and are refileffe in their cry; yet, nor, . ft Etas if the Lord wanted an evidence of the fait till they cryed, orCooke no notice ofthem till there complaints informed him. Nor fecondly, as if he needed excitationor awakning todoe Ju- !lice uponfnners, elpeciallyupongreat and prefumptuous fin- nets ; hut only to (hew the s;otorioufneffe and provocation of thofe fins, which is Rich that they befpeake their owne punifh, ment, fuck that God is bound in honour to brand them with forne signal flroake of his dilpleafure. Thirdly, Confidering that the fpeciall fin here ayrned at and profeffed againft by 766. is the fin of Oppreilìoet in one kinde or other ; either oppreffion ( as bath been fhewed) by inva- ding other awns lands, or oppreflion in the unjufl ufage of his owne.. Obferve.. Oppre ion id .e netariótte cr}ink fsìr. Thatland or eítate,which bath been gotten by unrighteouf neffe .