756 Chais. 3 r. .fin Expafitioss upon the Book! of J o B. Val 39. Caen L,ftrlans, Avis 14. r7.) is a witnefsof the goodnefs and f: isiífulinef; of Gad , falling our hearts withfood andglad,eefe. We (commonly )call fruitful) ground, ftrong ground, and that groundwhich is ur fir for or yeilds lick corn,orgraffe,or herbes, we cull weake ground : ' Tis more then probable that Yobs land was iron and fruitfull land, and therefore he faith, If 1 have eaten thefruit (or theJtrength) thereof i;h,ut money, withoutfilver, faith the text becaufe filver was the molt ufuall money in all payments; Gold was more rare even in the dayes of Solomon (r Kings io. 2I.) Money is fo much in fi vcr that all money may goe under the cosunaonname of (river ; Nowwhen Yob faith he did not Bate the fruit of his land without money,or fr lifer ; His meaning is, that he had eaten nothing but what he payd foe; or he affures us that he had not cytber kirft, takenaway other mens land by force or fraud (as Ad tooke away W.aborb', vineyard) and fo eaten the fruit thereof without money. They who intrude upon other mens rights and get their lard into their hands without money, are groflely guil- ty of eating the fruit of theirland without money ; ( Though in- deed no man payeth fo deare for what he eateth, as they who in this fence, Bate without money) or Yobs meaning was Secondly, that he had not eaten the fruit of his land without money, by refill g to pay his fervants and labourers, who were imployed to dreffe and manure it for his ufe. When they by whofe labour and fweat the earth brings forth, are denyed their hire, wages, or a comfortable incouragement ar.d valuable fatif- fadion for their paines;Then the owner of she land may be fayd to eate the fruit of it without money. This latter fend, ofeating without money,is that,I conceave,fromwhich7obhere acquits him- felfe by this proteftation. Taking it for granted that the land was his owne by right of inheritanceor of purchafe, yet he adds, if Ihave eaten thefruit thereof without money ; that is, if I have caufed others to take paines and bring. in my fruits (that'snot e- very mans work,7ob was a great man and a Magiftrate, it was not his bufrneffe to till the ground, and gather in the fruites of it he had fervants to doe that for him, but faith he, if others have brought in my fruits) and I have not payd them for their paines ándoing it, and fo have eaten without money, let this be fin to me,