6 Chap. 31. An Expofttion upon the Book! of Jo B. Vert. 39. 757 tne, or let me leek the jult fruar t and punithment ofthis fin ; let my belt fruits and fweeteft meares have fowre faute, if 1 have been found orcan be proved tohave eaten my bread, or dipt my morels in this unrighteoufneffe,the withholding from poore fer- vants and labourers the wages of righteoufnefle. IfIhave eaten thefruit thereof without money. Hence note. Every man ought to plyfor what hecares ; or, no man ( who is able topayfor what he cares) ought to eats what be bath not paidfor. All the breadwe Bate is ftolen bread, unleffe we pay fomeva- luable price or other for it. There is a two. fold paying for what we cate, that we may care our owne ( not ftolen) bread, as the Apoltle fpeaks is his connect and direâionabout diforderly wal- kers andbulle. bodyes ( that is, Idle perlons) among the Thtfa- l.nians ( z Epift: 3. az.) Now them that are filch we command, and exhort by our Lord le/ttt Ciorift, that with guietnes they works and Bate their owne bread, This Apoftolicall command,thewes us the Firft way ofeating our owne bread ; that is when we take paines in perfon that we may have bread toBate ; fo the rule is Given ( Gen: 3. 19.) In thefweat of thyface fhalr thou Bate thy bread, till thou retorne to the ground, that is, till thou dyeft or as long as thou liveft. That is truely our breadwhich we labour foe in any honeft calling, and he that payeth labour, payeth a greet price for what he Bates. Secondly, that bread alto is our owns for which though we doe not labour in kinde, that is, in dreing- and lowing the ground, yet we labouring in form kind or other, that is, in footle profitable trade or employment fubfervient to the goodof mankinde, doe eyrher pay a due price for it unto thofe ofwhom we have it, or pay thofe a due price for their labour who get it for us, bydreffing and lowing our ground. So then, this is to Bate our owne bread, when we eyrher labour our feives toget it, er recompense thole who get it, for their tabour ; wee our (elves an labouring as the providenceof God calls es forth to beof ufe inour Generation. Secondly, In that `lob is thus felicitous to vindicate himfelfe from taking othermcns labour without fatisfying them for it. Obferve.