Ctta.p.3 r. An expofltian upon the Took of jr oB. Verf. 39. 759. and have many labouring callings under them, fhould take heed ofeating the labours ofpoore handicrafts men without money; Such often complaine,they are fo farre from gettingbread to care ( that is, things convenient and neceffary for the maintenance of their charge by their worke) that theycannot (as they common- ly fpeake ) get water to wafh their hands. Trades bring forth fruit by labour as well as the earth doth , and to wrong or op- preffe any labourer bydenying him a competent recompence foe his labour, is to Bate fruit without money. 'Tis ufually fayd, There's nothing cheape but padre mens labour. And remember that you eat the fruit of your trade or of your land without money, not only fiat, when you altogether withhold the hire of the la- bourer, but fecondly when you doe not give him proportionably for his labour, that he may live byyou, and have tome little in- couragement, for himfelfe bis wife and children ; yea thirdly, the guilt ofthis fin Rick! upon chore who areafraid poore labou- rers fhould thrive or get fomewhat aforchand by them. Such a one was Laban, of whom 7acob complained tohis wives Rachel and Leab (Gen: 3t. 7 ) Tourfather bath deceavedme, and chan- ged my wages ten times. Labatt could not beare it, that 7acals fhould have any thing about him and therefore would be fill fhuffling and altering withhim. This is an argument of an op- puffing fpirit. And fourthly, the guilt and ['dine of this fin is contraáed when there is a deferring of the padre labourers re. ward, or when any unnecefTarily put off the payment ofhis wa- ges. What the Scripture faith ofGiving in charity, is much more true of paying in jultice,Say not to thyRrotber,gce,andcome again. to marrow, when it is in thepower ofthy hand to doe it. The Law a- mong the Judicialls ofMofes was very fevere for the prevention of fuch delayes ( Dent: z4. t4, 15.) Thou fhalt not opprefe an. hindfervant that is poor. and needy, whether he be ofthy brethren, or ofthy flrangers that are in thy lardwithin thy gates; at hit day. thouJhalt give him his hire neither¡hall the Sun goe downe apart ia,for bo is padre and fettetb.hisheart upan it,le f ke cry againi thee to theLord, and'ir be fin unto thee ;that is, left the Lord coule thee to fmart for this fin, and makethee feele it to be fin in thy tuffr- ings, while thou wouldeft not avoyd it by his warnings. That Law didnot only forbid the utter denyingof the labourers wa ges, but the detainingofit for anight. Youmaybe found eating ate