Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

Chap. 3a. An Expo fion upon the Book of J o s. Vert 40. 76; claimes all there afts of fin. Theforcingofhis land to cryagainib him, and the furrowes thereof to conrplaire; hit eating the fruits thereof without money, and klo caseling the owners thereof to loofa their life ; all theft aas ofcruelty and oppreflion, were fo much the abhorrence of his foule,that in cafe he were guilty of any one of them towards man, he wifheth his lend rx ight be burdened with this following curie fromGod. Vert 4o. Let Thif les grow in Head of Wheat, and ¿°ockle ive f cad of Barley. cbmakes a paliionate and a rbetoricall conclufïon : This im- precation carries, in the very face and letter of it, a futablenes to the fin which he had difclaimed. Nothing fo proper to punitia injuftice ingetting or ill ufing land, as an improper produ& of the land ; and what can be a more improper produ& then for land to bring forthThifilts in headofWheat, and Cockle in"had of Barley. Let Thifles grow &c. Theword rendred Thi/ler, is fometime taken in General! for r n sep;xa any ill weed, fometime particularly for thornes ( Cant: 2. 2, ) ginra reddunt eAfr the Lilly among :hornet, fo io my love among the daughters. noid'n uytica Thus againe ( `Pro: 26.9. Ha[ 9. 8. ) Thefe ufuallygrow in de, es alibi anar folate places ( Ifa: 34.13. ) Thornes ¡bail come up in her palaces ; h xsyma- that is, her palaces being ruinedand uninhabited ofmen, thornes Gaie,ale romea (hall roote and thoote up there. We render it Thiflies ( 2 Kings eft fenrium, 14.9.) The Thifile that was in Lebanon feat to the Cedar that 'Pales in locit war in Lebanon &c. Thornes and thifiles are troublefome any a`trutit erderc. where,but inCorne they are very hurtful!. This Curfe God la yd t';lir adnafá i:fa upon the#arrth when man had finned (gen: 3. 18.) Carted it the Dr groundfor thyfake, inforrcw (halt thou cateofit all the dayes cf thy life ; Thornes altoand thiffo'er /hall it bringforth to thee, and thou Jhalt Bate the herbe of the field. ?obdid as it were awaken and re- vive this ancient generali curie upon all lands,upon his owne land eminentlyand confpicuoufly, while he fayd, Let thiflesgrow in f ead of wheate. As thiftleaiire reckoned among thewore( fort of weeds, or are here put far all forts of weeds; fo wheate is indeed the beft of 1, e e e e z graines.