764 Chat_3 t. in Expelition upon tbo Boob,,! of J Verf.4G graines. The belt bread ( which is the itaffe o°mans life) is that made of wheate. And when the Plalmit' would Phew what ex- cellent provillon the Lord would have made for his people in cafe'oftheir obedience, hee gives it thus ( Pfal: 81. t6. ) He fhuld havefed them alío wich the fine or (as our Margin hath ir) with the fat of wkeate. So that 6bwifheth the waft for the belt, while he fayd, Let th filet grow in ¡leadof wheate, And Cockle in fleadof Barley. 1 he fence is the fame ; the word traoflated C.clle figniftes any ILr32t. `0l' flinkino or ill fenced weed, alto foure ill raftedoraper (Iia: 5.4. ) um, vrt jpina c ó qs.lo:n ejoo We may take it here ftrìdly, properly, and in Kinde, ( as we ren- nominis foeoda, der) for that fpeciall weed 'o called, which growes often among nom 7,, tI82 Corne, or fynecdcchic :,lly, fo: any tiling which hinders the fruit- fgnifrcatru fullnes of the earth, when Towne with ufefull feed. The Maine fvoi Jj} ;ride meaning is,Lec the land which i till deceive myhopes,let it never vaJret:de, pas hereafter anfwer the paines, labour and colt, which I bellow up- labrufco, on it, let me low the pureft wheat in the fpring, and let me reape mom' thi(tles at harvef?t, let me low goad Barley, and let my crop be Cockle. Thus let the Lord deale with mee , if I have given my land caufe to cry again(( wee, or the furrowes thereof to cam- plaine. Hence note; Firlt. The earth naturally yeilds that which is fawn that's proper to the earth ; If you low wheat you (ball have wheat, if you low barley you (hall have barley againe. Thus the Lord fpeakes alto in reference tomoral! feed by the Apoftle ( gaL 6.7.) What- foever a man fov#eth,that ¡hall he alto reape. All that we doe, or all our workes are like feed fowne ; if our workes be holy and good,vte (hall have aharvefi futable to them, if they are wicked, unjuft, andunrighteous, we (ball have an anfwerable retorne : in morals, what we reape is alwayes like what we have fowed. The Lord ( faiththe Apoftle, Rom: 2.6, 7.) tci° render to every man according to their ro,rkes; to them who by Patient continuance in reel doing, feeke f rglory and honour and immortality, eternal life; beet unto them thatarecontentioeu, and obey not the truth, but obey eenrigbteeufneffe,irdignation and wrath. Andas inmorals the har- vefl is alwayes like the feed time,fo in naturalls theiiaroeft would alwales be like the feed time did not fin hinder it. Hence