Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

Chap. 3 a. An Expoftion upon the Book;? of J o B. Vert. 4A. 769 holy David having by faith, in Spirit, prayed for and about the glory of the kingdome ofJefus Chrift, ( which is the bufineffeof that Pfalme) it might wel be fayd, The prayers of David the Sox of ?efe are ended; they are Compleate, and wound up to the highe& imaginable perfec`lion ofa prayer; fo here, The words of Yob arefayd to be ended ; that is, lob hach fayd as muchand as wel for himfelfe as could be fayd, oras could be expelled he fhould fay. And though he fayd moueafterwards ( wee (hall finde him (peaking twice more, to very great purpofe before the booke ends) yet he never fpake more in his owne defence againft what his friends had fpoken; as to any fnch (peaking, he had nor a wore more to fpeake,nor did he fpeake a word more ; and there- fore this condemn wel becomes his going off from this poynt under difcufíion ; The words ofYobare ended. Thus (by the good hand of God with mee) I have gone through a good part of my way, and worke, One and thirty Chapters of this Booke have been opened in thefe expofitory exercifes, and publifhed to the world. And though I am come to the end of ?obi words,yet my worke is not ended ; There's more yet to be done. Behold Elibuentring the Rage and aeting a very great part towards the Racing and moderating of this Controver- fie ; and when he hath done, Godhimfelfe begins and determines the matter fully and unqueftionably; who though he gives tome Check to lob, yet he gives theCrowne to him alto ; and deter- mines the Centroverf a for him againft his three friends. * raGánña&ieatr ds0.t1.4.43s loZ-Ifi ` * a1 Ants.ficA,cdsffi Age 5, line z3. for innamerarion read enumeration p. 33. L i7rdele in. p 3F. L 6. for Of r. is. p 43. Marg: for efts r. Oa. p. 59. I..17. dele (hall. p. Lo.1. 5. for motion r. notion. p. aoß. Marg: forpeccatum r. peccatur. p. 120. L 37. for Ryles r. eyle. p 24o L r 3. make a tall pognt after Hang+y, p. 245 fir frl'ed r.fated. p. a 3o. Marg, for tra m r. tralae. p. 591 I. 4 for Muth. r. Mal: p. 665. I, 16. for viliefrty r, vifafity. Fffff A TABLE