aJ.,a,1 1...AJa,iiada>440,1.i r.m Vi. VgaulurrillktMASPVrVii A TABLE Direding to forrme fpeciall Points noted in the precedent EXPOSITIONS. A Bhorrcnce, ofthings or per under a threefoldnotion. 80 (Alen abhorre theft whom God highly ereemes. 80 Account, all muß come fe an account, for what they have done: 436. Three periods of this account, 437. Sinners will be at their wits end when Clod teals them to account. 438 Accufarion, whstfoever a man is accu- fed ofcomes under three beads. 736 wrongfull accufations are matter of honour, rather then of disgrace. 737 Two 1 forts of wrongfull accufations. 737,738 Adams, the word taken two wajes. 663 Adoration. See worfbip. 576 Adulterers andall u;xleane perform '-f- ten meete with _grange punifhtnents: 32.4, 325. The juff pesnifhment of Adultery, what. 39e. Adultery is a keynoter crime. 407. The great- nefe of thefin ofadultery Anteddi- vers wayes. 408, 409. Adultery to be punifhtd by the -Magiffrate. 411. Three reafans why. 412. A- dultery a fare,what it ëonfures 415 The (fits ofadultery very fad and dangerous. 417. Eleven particu- lars named which are confxused by the fire of Adultery, 417, 418. The Adul.erers cafe alusß del-pirate. 419, IfMagifrates negltft topu- nifhAdultery, Gcd will not. 420 Afíuion,wicked rejoyceat the <.fìliCli- on of the Godly. 75. The impiety of rejojcing ett affliéfion. 77. Afi- âion is our humiliation. 94, The P f f f f 2 ap