Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

THE TABLE. Beda, theflonee witneffed to hie preach- ing, if we may beleeveit. 749 Bélial, whoare the fin: of Belial, who ton: of Nabal. 64 Beloved fin, ,4 godlyman cann3t hare. 7o6. Beloved fin, hov it may be &nowne. 707 Blefliog, bow man b!efeth, and how God. 481 Blindrel!e, what may be one comfort to the blind. 302 Blot fia .os ablot. 37 Body of man how called vile. 70. The body cfroan enri:uJZy f lbicned.441 god is the makerof mans body now as wel at in the ft°fl creation. 440 Three inferences from it , that oar bodyes are fafhioned by God, 442, 443 Bodyly membershow to be u fed. 498. They who abufe the mem- bers of the body, mayjufly loofe the aft ofthem. 498 Boldnes , A beleever bath a Princely boldtaes withGodthroughgrace.74q. Bones, the f rengtb of the body, 164 'Paine in the bones notes extremity of paine. 164 Bofome, what it fignifseth. 665 Bounty ofGod to us. 49 terwels,wbat theyftgnifie in Scripture. 256 Bread, or what we Bate, when it is our owne, or may be field to have payd for it. 757 Bribe, receaved doth two things to the receaver. 370 Bridle of the tongue, what. 90 Brother, notes fometime: nothing but likkenes. 270. We may be called the Brethren eJr any whom We referable in quality. 276 Burden of the Lord what ; how that word was abu,`edby the ?ewes. 504 By word, what it se to be aByword. 77 C Calamity, when the people of God are in any calamity , the wicked would adde to it. 114, 115. Twoground: o f it. 1 1 6 They are pleated with the calamity of the G dly , as if it were a profit to them. I 0 7. The greatnefe of their fin who adde to or are pleafed with the calamity of o- ther:. r 18 Callings, how forne excafe their finsby them. 690 Changes, the bell eflate ofman in this life fubjell to changes. 9. In what fence any change is in God. 195 Hieprovidence: to us change not hie heart. 099. God can quicklychange our mirth into mourning. 284 Charity, how it covereth finite. 660 Charity to the poore , vid: poore. They that have ability fhould a. bound in charity. 479. How chari- ty is to be extended unto ad. 480, 481. Everyall oftrue charity bath a tongue in it 483. What we give incharitymull be cur owne. 486 Children, the Joffe of children it the greateß outward !c(fe. 378 Chnf't, bow not heard in prayer. 190 What comfort rifet.h to a Chriflian by it. 190. Without Chrift no creaá tare leiids comfort to a troubled foul:.