Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

THE TABLE. foule. 265 , 266 How Christ re our cloathing, 475 N2thing can fart..., a beleever but thefull enjoy- ment ofChri(t. 648 Cicero, why upbrayded by Lai`fantiue. 557 Cíoathing,two great fifes ofit.475.To cloath the nah`ed a great a1.l ofcha- rity. 477 Commandsof others will not beare ua out in doing evil!. 680 Compaffion due to thofe who are in af- fht?ion 242. e..4 thre. fold ground of it. 242,243. Cempaffion to them inmiler], mufit be accsmpanyed with a5lionfor their reliefe. 244. Three ,forts all contrary to this duty of eompaflon. 246. GYe f,ôteld com- paffiionare the trote;;let ofothers when we ourfelves are freeflfrom trouble. 247. He that picieth others in afi- c`ion may comfortably loo1Ze for it in his affil/lion,. 255. aigracioaas heart s full of compaffiion to thofe that want. 469 Confeffion tw,pd. 589. Confeffion off,n aduty. 698. aright confef- on loath three things in it. 699. why fin met/i be confeffed to God, though he know it. 700. 1bl:iifites in con- ffffion. 7oz Confidence, the fullef? ref? ofthe foule. 522. Confidence apt togrew up in us upon worldly aboundance. 523 ConfiJence in cold or any earthly thing embasfech the mule. 530. Confidence, they who have an ill one are fearefull. 60. why it is fo terrible to fall iota the hands f confcience. 515. while confcience fpeakes us wel, we need notfeare,who fpeakes i8 oftu. 734 Conlantine, hie great moderation at the Counfel ofNice. 621 Contentment, graceleffe men being in want have no content , the Godly have. 34, 35 Contempt, we may not contemne the meanf? perform. T 9.3z. bare great- net no barre againf contempt. 22 Cord, what meant by it, and what the looftng of it is. 87,8$ Corruption or lttjt<, Agodly man is not fatisfied to fee it abated , be would leave it quite defiroyed. 649 Creatures,alltobeviewed& conftdered for tworeafons.553.They are burde- ned with and Cr, out againf? ftn.748 Croft: of Chrifl; both that which he barefor us, andwhich we bears for bim, to be rejoyced in. 54z Crying in prayer very pewerfted, a wonder if it be xot heard. 185 Cry of/In. 750 Counfel, togive good counfel and di- re/lion, agreat charity. 471. Coun- fel, ill counfel from friends er fer. vants is very enfnaring.. 643 Covering offin twofold. 659. /IPure- foldgoodcovering of fin. 659, 66o Man loves to cover his fin. 666 many ways ofcovering it. 669,&c. Ì Caution againft them all, and to goe to Chriflfor covering. 696 Covenant from the notation of the He- brewwordby which it is expreBed, 1 what it is. 291. Cutting or f?rik. ing of a Covenant what itfignifies. 292.70fin againfl a Covenant is a great