THE TABLE. great aggravation offin. 3oI. Co- venant ofworkes bowfrilf. 347 Covetoufnes, why called the lull ofeke eyes. 295,363. It is nnfatiable.5 i9 It cannot be punifhed by the lodge. 58z. Covetoufnes makes mencruel ,and murderous. 762. Crowne ofIfrael, how profaned. 179 Cruel, who; cruelty declares it felfe two wares. 195 Curie, thefame Hebrew wordfignifies ate oath and a curie, why. 63r. A curfe ie the n,or" we can with to our felvesor others. 631. A curie upon thefoule,the weft ofcurfes.63 i é 3 3 We are apt to curie or wills i!t to o- thers. 633. To curieany,thetegh an enemy, is very finfsell. 634. Oljetti- ons anfwered. 635, 636 Cultome loath a great power both in good andevil. 469 D Darius,gladofptedle water to drink; 45 Death brings us backe to what we once were,and/hewes towhat we are,21I Death fjiecially to be meditated on whenwe aref:cke.20 3. Agodly man may be miftaken in his perfwafions that he/haN dy.213. He freaks com- fortably of death. 214. Death at the difpofe of god, 2.15. All that live mufif dy andgee to the grave. 216 The rick, the wife, thegodly cannot escape. 217, 218. ObleEtions from Scripture atefwered. 209. We dy by appoyntment bothae to time&place. 220. Death bow tobe preparedfor. 221.howwe may prayagain/¢ death. 22r. god takes notice what becames of tee, when we are dead. 222.Death camfeth a cry. .z7.8 Death puts an end to all our worldly troubles. 231 Death is good to chafe that are good. 233. Comforts indeath. 234 Deceir,carefuLy to be aveyded.3 3 9.twe things Thew the odi eafnesofdeceit. J40 Delaying and deferring, the d,ierence between them. 187. Delaying, we muff not delay to doegoad 457.L delayes agreat afiltion. 458 Deliberation about finne, makes it the wade. 3y6.4ß5 Diligence, the way to thriving. 545 yet finfull toafcribe our thriving to our diligence. 545, 546 Denying, to deny,takenfoule»ayes in Scripture. 588. To deny God is a maß heyncor fin .589. A twofold de- nying of God. 59o, Five wares of practical denying. 590 Derifion, to be derided is agreat af i- Rion. 8. 13. E¡pecially when a man harp bin formerly much refpefied.13 A deriding fpirit is a wicked fpirir. 15. It is m ff fanfull to deride the aged, and then eípcially when they are in miíery. 15. Wicked deride the Godly in af,tlion. 73, 74 75 Desire,irangdelires pat su on to ftrang endeavours. 393. Desire it the hun- ger ofthe foule. 394. What delire ir, God only can flop the ddire of man. 449. They who are full of wants, are alfofull of d&fireo. 553 Defpif n what it imports. 425 Dfeafes n i ave agreat fcrce. 170. 173 Díffatisfaion, worldly things much defired alwayet conclude in it. 54o Devils,