THE TABLE. Devil(, tome excufe theirfns by accts. ring the devil!. 692, 693. Howwe may, and bow ove may not charge the devil! with our fins. 693. The de- vils temptations hurt Mt not unleffe we centers. 694. Devill cannot force our content to his temptation. 694) 695 Dogge, A terme of greatef# dirgrace. 17. Falle teachers how likeBoggs. 18 Dragons, their nature difcevered. 272 They make a mournfulcry. 273 Daft, what it is to be like dal. 1801 Good to remember that we are duct. 181 E Earth, in what fence calledvile. 69 End, god is to be made our highef end. 51z. The end of a godly and of a wicked man are contrary in a two- fold notion. 6oz Enemy, not to rij yce at the fall of an enemy,fbewes a high degreeofchari ty and goodnrfe. 598. t1an is apt to rejoyceat thefall ofan enemy, or ofhim thathauchhim. 603. How wemay or may not rejoyce at the hurt cfan enemy. 605. Enemies of two firm 606 Eçricu:us, his opinion. 144 Efau, gave the moffor antiffe ofineare ofany man in the world. 4$ Eve, how doceaved by the ejefhe having no fin in ber before. 367 Evil( or fin, the natureof man le fo for- ward to it, that he needs no helper no perfwader to it. 121. Some will doe that which is evill in itfelfe,and un- to others, though they feeobey canget no good by it. 122. No good to be gotten by doing any evil. 123.31 Evil! ofttvo forts, 249. two reafon: why godferule evil! upon tu_. 253 Eximpie ofothers will n>t excufe tea if we doeamiffe. 6$5 Excufesform, very /infull. 675. The various excufes and Apologies which men makefor their fins, fbewed 677, 678,&e. Expedition coat lone 'Beare. 456 Expedation even of good men often traffic!. 249. HowGod may be fayd to fayleour expe&atiosl. 25o. The differencebetween the failing of the expectationof a godly and wicked jean. 252. Expecekation crofed, af- fiitts much. 766 Extenuation offir., veryftnfe. 675 Eye, the eye u an inlet tofin, efeeially to the fin of uncleanenes. 295. The eyes are to be wel watchedandguar- ded. 297. That which is in the eye, gets quickly to the heart. 302. Eye. fervice eyther of god or man, how unacceptable. 331. How the heart is fayd to walko after the eyes. 361, 362. The eye doth often mrflead the heart. 36z. Foure fpccia/ï firmer to which the eye dothn,fload the heart. 363. Eye muff be watched and looked to. 368. Eyeof a woman de- ceaves man. 388. Eye provoker to ldolatry. 367 F Faith, the efentiafl att of it. 128. The ej e