THE T eye of faith ravifbeth brifí. 388 Faith gives boldneffe. 744 ipalls ofmen, especially of Great men, motels talked of, yetfeldome duly co-. fîdered. 78 Familyes,whoare the contempt ofthem. 7 t 1. Three Wages by whichmen be- low the contempt ofFamiiyes. 712 Pamir* caufed three wayes. 33. Fa. mine fereetb toease uncouthmeats. 46 Father, who it imports. 17, Feare ofpustijhuntot to be made ufe ofto keg-ew froen/u. 314.326 Feare of god, not of man keepsagood manfrom doing wrong. 435 Fore of evil te be endured, agood mo- tive to keepeoufrom doingevill.43 5 Feere, what they fgnifie in Scripture. 339 Finding of three forts. 61I Flatterers will leave us when w_rldly things leave ou. 81 Flefh, takenfours stages in Scripture. 639 Fooles, who are ft. 64. Two forts of fooles 64. A wickedman isa foole. 65. Three rea¡ens why a wicked man ie a foole. 66 Fortune and fate, what they art, and howfoes( oafs their fiat rep ,to them. 689 Fruit, the fruit rf every thing u the ffrengtb t f it. 755 G Gaine, toget gaineby unrighteoufneffe a vaine thing. 336. Tleis fbewed fi A B L E. verall wales. 337. Vnrightecue gaine cleavesfaft so the band, men loth to part with it. 37z Germane', the oldGerrganes law a. gains. Adultery. 41z Gifts, or bribes, their power to pacifìe anger and pervert 7refiice. 525, 526 Gold, how mode our b,pe. 518, 519 Tomake gold our b pe, id exceeding finfeell. 520 The covetous man de- scribed fainting kW gold. 523 God often fpoken of in Scripture with- out anyexprrfe mention. 87. God to be locked to in all our mills. 103 Though God be exceedingmerciful, yet he outward ailing' to us may be exceeding [evert, even crud. 198 God eolith mush ltbertr in dealing with Ion people. 206. Nothing hard to God, lee can doe the bardgg things with ease. 226 God ufssailyfpoken ofin Scripture aas being above. 309 HowGod iesaid to know this or that in time. 35 r, 352 How God re fayd to arise. 43 Z The Highnef' and Greatness of God, Amid make all things lirle and low in our eyes.511, 512. we make that our God, to which we ascribe any efficiency. 553 God, how lee is [ayei to be above in Scripture.592. Many cell theirfins Mon God w.ioy andbow. 688, 689 Godly, their filings embolden others in fin. 687 Good, there is Si threefoldgood. 248 What kind ofgood thebef? things of this world are. 531. Worldly things are called cur g oods,but theyare not our Good. 534 G g g g g Good'