THE TABLE. hopes. 259. They can'have nopre- lim hope;whoare not under the pro usife. 312. Hope deferr'd troubles much.' 459. Hope defcribed." 518 good under a tor,ofola notion is the object f hope, 518. To make gold our hope impyotr ffwre things-518 The naturall man makes geld his hope. 519. The natural man snakes all earthly thingshis hope 5 19 The fntfullneffe f making any thing but Godsur hope. 519. The Anchor of hope tesuf not be cafl' downward. 521 Holpitality is a duty. 461. HowMi. niters fheuld ufe ho+pitaliry. 462 T`he holpitaliry ofgood men is chief- ly for the pore andgood. 463. The duty of Hofpitality much urged in Scripture. 656 Humiliation; not to humble our [elves when she bondof God is upon us, is very finfua. 282 Hunger will make meateof any thing. 45. Spiritual hunger makes ue glad of the eneanefl (pirituall things. 47 Hunger caufeth man . to take any paints f rfad. 47. 'Tis fo in (pi rituals. 48 Idolatry, there is a f¢rong inclination in the heart ofntan ra it. 557. Why called 9dultery. 558. Two rea/ens why the nature ofman isfo forward toit. 558. What Idolatry u. 559 Idolatry a very great /ie.56o. Ulu latry in worfhipping the Swine and C'btoone, very ancient. 561. Theeye an inlet to Idolatry. 567. Idolatry begins at the heart. 57o. Idolatry is agrand iniquity. 578. Idolatry is a fin to be punifleed by the c11agi- forate. 58o, 583. Several forts of Idolatry. 586 Idols but toyes for children , and the more ferious any are at them, the more ebildifh they are. 569 Idlenes brings poverty. 33 Jealculie, a fire. 416 Jefurun, lfrael why focalled. 5 3 5 Jewes, their abufeof two,Scriptureex- prefflons. 504. Howfull of fadvtion whenJerulalem was bsfteged by the Romans. 647 Images, their worßip, mush later then ofthe Son and Moose. 565. How Imagewor/hip crept into the world. 565,566 Imitation, none to be imitated againfi the rule. 687 Imprecations, how or when lawJull. 376 Immortalityof the foule fkewed. 143 Incendiaries, xahy fume calledfo. 625 Indifferent, nothing is fo when once done by su. 36o Inferiors, their duty cenftft in two things. 682. Inheritance, of twoforts. 309 Integritywhat it ú, a ewfold fignifi- cation of it. 53. god will not take inn's notice offin,where he fees inte- grity. 354. A manof integrity is culling God fhoseld know him tho- rughly. 355 Joy, what it it , and how canted. 53 z Gggg g2 ,qnr