chap, 3o. An expoftton neon the Book of J o B. Vert. 8. 6? a very foole for himfelfe, as the words tvhich follow in that 49th plalme (v. 19, 2o. ) fully informe us ; For as well and wifely as he.hath done for himfelfe while he lived, ke (when hedyeth ) ñiallgoe to thegeneration of hisfathers , they /ball never fee light. From whence this generali conclufion ( which concludes all fuch men in the number offooles ) is inferred, (.21'an that is inhonour, and underfandeth not, is like the beafls that perifh. Such a man poffibly, carried a reputation in the world,as Vile had engroffed all the wit and tvifdome from the refs of the world. But at !ails he (hall fee himfelfe like a beat/ that peritheth, and then both himfelfe and his learned flatterers will be forced to cryout, Wee foam, we thought the people ofGod to be acompany ofhare- brain'd madpeople, but now wefee we are fo. They are Children of fooles, yea Children of bafe men. The Hebrew is, of men without a name, that is, obfcure and offi ,L7n vulgar men. Mr. Broughton renders, yea a kind without fame, per) fine am' that is, men whofe names are not taken notice of. Whereas by bile,. anHebraifme, men of great renowne,or famous men, are called Grad Anony- men ofname (Gen. 6.4. ) Thenames of Great men are upon mum Vacant, every mans tongue while they live, and when they dye their pod nobile names are chronicl'd and kept upon record for pofterity. robs deriders tookaway his goodname,being themfelves men without name, or rather menofan ill name, beingofa low degree, yga of the lowed degree, forCome render the Original! up to aSuper- lative ; The evoft Ignominieus among men. They were filch as ei- Etiarn hornines ther never lived in any reputation, or (which is worfe ) they had min ini' f out-lived it. Such was their parentage, w madeit their bufi- nesto difparage and deride that worthy man, that man to whole worth God himfelfe had given teftimony. They were Children ofbafe men. There are two forts ofbale men fpokenof in Scripture : Firft, Inch as are bale in their blood, and birth ; for though it be a truth, that God loathmade of one blood all ZsCations of men, for to dwell on all the faceofthe earth ( A1s I 7. ) yet it cannot be denied, but men may be diftinguifhedby their blood ; Some are ofa more noble blood thenothers, their Anceftors or Predecef- K 2 fors