THE TABLE. our joy or rejo}'cing in worldly good Kissing of two forts ;pokes of inScrip- things, when and hczn fïnf ll, and ! tore, 574. K ffin *fed am rg ties when and ti 'ow lawful!. 533, 534 hoatbens,ae a token ofadoration.575 Our jay abase: earthly thongs, dodo Knowledge pmtfer poifwafi.x or affee- */wally exceed and g,e out of con- ranee. 210 rife. 537. To rcf yee much in the belt or greatefít worldly things is ve- ry JmfuIl. 538. S,verall confiders tiens to take tee .fffroft inordinate joy about w rldly thing,. 539 540 Vine things to be chief-ay rejo} ced in. 54t. Is is fad to fa them re joyce, who have nothing but world ly ¡bingo to rejoyce in 543. When we bave muchosa worldlyglory, not te rejoyce in it, Atmet a verygrati eccframe rff frit. 55Z. Joy in God, a l;-s purely part . f rcr/1üp. 568 Job, hie gJpileharity 597 Irrefolution, what it is. 156 Judge , 1 godly man defires to have God hit Judge, three reafont cf it. 730,731 Judgement will overtake the wicked. 612 Julian bit [corneful (perch whom he fpoyled the Cbriftians. 529 Juniper, firemade of it extreamt hot and telling. 45 Juflice, why piflured h_ed winks. 363 Feare ofgreat even binders Juftice. 722. R'eere relations often prove an ottruft.'on to Julhlce. 723 Juflification, how 67 cur words 626 A threefold Jaftifcation of fix by man. 674 K King kom taken in Srripttere: L Labour, nothing cheap: bat poremens labour, an i/l proverb. 759 Labourers, in what fence owners. 760 Labours, n;t to rate the fruit of our OWN labours, a great afjyiflion. 376 Lacedemonians, three ill wishes *fed by theme.. 4ó1, Land, fours things may make a mans land cry againi him. 754 Life and a dead body ftgmi f ed by sloe fame Hebrewword, and why, 153 Life of man a b roie of Checguer- work,. 'Co. Life cf man /bet in this world,tberefcre his troublescan- not belong. 234. Life of man fug offcrow. 248. Life, may be feyd t, be I: f} twoways. 761 Linnbeof the body, the life of it very great. 497. Three infereutt from ir. 497, 498 Love, twofold. 598. Five flops or de- grees of love. 599. Love mnfatio- fied toll it hash attayned bigbef en- joyment 648 Loynes, how the loynes of the pocre are fayd to blear their bexefatlors. 482 Luf, or corruption, may press agod- ly man very hard to doe Of fpeako Rmiff . 617. The p,wer of tuft sip- 96 J pears, thiefely in two things. 617, 618..