THE TABLE. 618. By what degree, the;tedgement Mill, grinding in the Mill a puniAmens ofyod and the butts cf men works to- for Captive,. 397 ward their erft .vingunder fin.6zo, Mir;illersof they ('el, a goodpattern e 62 for them in preaching theword. '225 Lying, what it is. 672 Money,bow itanfatreth ad thing,.525 Moone,tbe vaine cuflomo offorte at the M firfi fight of the new .Moons. 556 Mountaincs what, and haw they melt Magifl;rates, their terror iron evil do- or few donne. 209 ers. 37, 38. They are tJbt fubmit Mouth well watcht, may be kept from, ted tofor fevers/ real n,. 94, 95 feuding. 624. The mouth er It ie ofGed,tbat Magifìrates retains er Toole their refpetl with the people. 98. Righteous Magiftrates will not whorls hew much opp rtunity foever they have for it. 493. Magifirates finteld confider , net what will paffe among men , but what i, right in it felfe, and in the fight of Gad. 494 MagiRrates werke more in protetl- eng then punifbing. 494, 495. A f00 Magiftrate will doe rightesuo things,th:ugh be provoke all men by it. 722 Majefty of God terrible. 710 Mallowes, their nature andufe.42 43 Man a frayle creature. 158. Man ex- preffed by three word, in Scripture. 663 Mailers, vide, fervents. why Matters 'Mouldcary it meekell towards their fervent!. 445, 446 Mercy of yod, how it endures for ever. 200 Meetings, of two forte. 258 Mire, what meant by it in Scripture, and what it u to be cat into it. 177 Sin the wort mire. 179 Mifery ; h a great mifery to have been, and not be happy. 6 tongue of Wean is a very great en- firemen: of jot. 625 Multitude apt toeppfe that which u Sad, and thole :het are good. 720 Muficke, an ancient Art. 281. Mu- ficke is net only an ancient, bat a lawfull Art. 281. When the tore of Muficke i, fluted. 281, 282. Mu- fickefadden, a forrowfull heart.28; N Nakednes, or want of¡loathing egreat .ration. 475 Nations bave their fpeciall fin. Seve- ral of them noted. 704, 705 Natural, no naturall power in man ta du good. 467 Nature wiN livewith a bile, and that which is courge. 4$ Nigtiapane, muff grieve". 167 Q Oath, Agodly uses howhe fpeukesaIC. svayer w if he were upon his otth. 340 Obedience a very different thingfra, fubjetttien in fare cafes. 682 Ocab-