THE TABLE. Occafions offin tobe avoyded. 298 Oid ageoftwoforts. 26. Old agehow it may befayd to pariJh ix amass. 27 Old age taken for the adjunth of it. 28. Old age in youth. 29. Old men if imprudent are to be numbred a mon;, children. 27. Some oid men have nothingofold age in them, Lae the infirmities of it. 30. It it the fhame ofold men to be without wit: dome. 31 Omnifcience of God. 327. There is nothingofman hid from or a fecret to God. 328. That God knower all the wages c fmen it an afurance that be will punifh all evill wages, 329 A gracious heart confiders himfelfe alwayes under the eye of god. 330 How the Scripture fpeakes ofGod as beginning to know. 351,352 Opinion the opinion of menconcerning one another very changeable. Y o.Tbre 'castled often by a change in our out- ward condition. Y I. what allmen ought to doe in cafeofdifference in o- pinion, and what the e ifegifirate. 584 Opprefion, aged!, man will not ufe hie power ro oppreffe the mean.f. 430. Opprf Iliona cryingin. 752 Organ, bow e xprefeed in the Hebrew. 28o O +3 :ward diftenrations alike to all. 38 OAles, tneir+nature defcribed. 272 P Paine, the extremity of it, may make the rereoft patient tnan ffeeake tentative- ly. 201 Pambus, why be wept feint., a harlot dreifing herfefe, 146 Pardon offin :be cs>ering cf it. 477. 659. Pardoned fans cannot hart the finner. 740 Parents, their image as tc morals ZS u- fatally enfiampt eep ?n their children. 68. Why Parents lh old carry it re- verentlybefore their children. 686 PaffYons of the tssinde vifable in the eyes. 454 Patience, tocry our in pains is not in.. continent with paiie±zee. 269 Pelagian Error what. 685 People, how their voyet is the veyce of God. 72r Perdition ; The wickedarefans of per- dition in a double no :in. 5o! Perifhing, what it implyts in Scrip- tstre. 25, 26 Perfeverance, a gracious heart perfe veres in doing good. 470. We are to doe good often and alwayes. 472, 473 Perfwafion, that we have finned by the perfwafionofothers,will not excufe us. 677, 678 Pity, fee (ompafon. Planets, and co4ellario's: of heaven, frfull to sfcribe eytbc rour go,d or bad fucceife,to them, 551 Polytheifme is Atheirme. 592 Poore oftwo forts. 20. Wickedpoore how contemptible ! 22 Rdiefe gives ro the poore three wayes. 450. It is our duty to relieve the poore. 4.5Y Poore to be relieved with that tr tich is good and wholefore. 365 - wee ought not only to kelp the poore, but