Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

T H E TABLE. bat to helve them fpeedily. 457 Pride caufethman to cover hoe fin. 668 .Poore to be invited to our tables ra- Prometheus, his heart fed sopen by an :her then the rich. 463, 464 The Eagle, what it fgnifi,d. 23.3 poore rh :.sold bleffs their bend.blor,. Promises thegrourd both offaith and 483. Priore, in what fence owners hope. 3i1. Ab/elate proniifes nct of the rich MAW land. 76o made to, but concerning tricked and Portion of beleevert, where lard up. unregenerate perfons. 312, 308 Propitiatory ormercy- feate, what ie Power; tohave pi{ver in our hand to ftgnified, 660 doe wrong, is a great t.emprati -n to Proiperity, why called a riding upon doe it. 491. It /hews mach grace; the wind. 2(.5 not to d -e that evil, avhi.-.! we haw,. a Prote&ion, when the Lord withdraw- power to dee. 491, 71 5, 7171 eth itfrom ses, every evils is ready to p; ayer; a pouringout ofthe joule. 156 invade and prevaileover ses. 125 two reafoss why it is fo. 157. There Providences werke cut promi/es. 308 Ù no eflate fo low, but godly man Provocation, not to doe that tvill to array have acc._7a to and freedoms which we are provoked, a figne of with God in prayer. 183. 19f(]í, i- en provoker the forte to p`ay wiry, utml fervency. 184. The pyres offervent prayer; winged prayers have twg:d an¡ivers. 185, , 86 Hew Çod dotb not heare pra } er Jon times, and how that may (land wink hie promifeef hearing prayer. 187 when prayer in effl;Elion a rot hcard,hit afl tit much. 188 why the prayer of a godly man is not äl wayei heard p.efently 189. How we may know that We are iaeard in prayer, [hewed in fours things. 189 It it the präviledge of a godlymean t< be bsaro in prayer. 190. Bil every 'nil pray perfeveringly. 192. df fl,Ftion entreating tip prayer is a ftrange temptatin. 200.202. Pray- er cannst keeps them alive whone- g d bath appeynred to death. 229 Why thefame word fignifies to pray, to júdge, anci to appeafe. 41 mushgrace. 644 Pa,;ifhtlents unufuall andftrange,fall upon (me fingers 317. Sins puni- filed by fin have thegreatefi punifh.. nient. 40?. The nature offanTecate in the peiulíhlment, _ 421 Q,Oeeneofheaven,who meant in Scrip- turf. 562 2Q.1 "ion ; It ût good to put queftinns toour ownsfeules. 30E R Rrbellion, when any fin becomes a r& belli n. 66z Reines, what they fignife in Scripru-e. 517 Rcjov.cing, at thefallofan enemy, how wee may. 407. Gonftáerations to keepe