THE TABLE. keepe downe undue rejoycing at rti. his, enemy. 6o3 Reports, lureadvijes given to thole who are under ill reports. 739 Reproofe, a godly wan will take a re- proofe wel (front the meanef man. 718 Reproach ; three things in the perfon reproaching tnereafe thefence ofeter reproach. 14 Resolution, they who are refolved to doe any evili, are guilty ofit, though theydoe it not. 395 Refurre&ion from Afiliion eafie with G,0d. 183. Refurre &ion why called the day of redemption. 232 Retaliation, Goddrib often pesnifb fin that way. 377 Reverence is the band of obedience be- tween man and man. 93. Reve- rence due to Magiflrates. 93 Revenge, the deftre ofit veryfireng in man by nature. 603. To rejoice at thehurt of an enemy, is an all of revenge. 604. Revenge bow bun- ply and infatiadle. 638. Revenge is cruel. 647. Malice +e /lefe till it hark gotten utmoft revenge. 648 Reward; good worker are a reward, nor can they bofe a reward. 484 Rich and piere, how they meets toge- ther. 444 Riches, they that make hag to be rich run into fen. 344. (Man is apt to *rug in riches. 523. To be proud of riches. 524,. Three demon/ra- tions, that riches are apt to werke up the heart of wan in pride and confi- dence. 525, 526. Three advicer to ¡loafs who have riches. 526. (on dente in riches a very vanity 527 That it ù fo Hewed in five things. 527, 528. Rches many wayes hurt andendanger theTowle. 529. That riches are 'sine and dangerousmay be ferre comfort to the pao>e. 53I Riding upon the wind and chuk and high places ofthe earth, what it jig- rifies. 204, 205 Romans , how they punifhed fuck as made abufive fangs. 74 S Sala land is a barren land. 42 Salvation, twofold. 149. K.w our jpi- ritna.Y falvation may befayd to paffe away in this life. 149, 150 Satan , what it fgnifietb; the devil why (o called. 198 Saxons their law for the pxni/ftment of Adultery. 412. The Id,latry ofthe oldpagan Saxons. 562 Scandal, a godly man is careful to cleare hinefelfe front fcandalousfuf- pitions and afperfens. 746 Scripture- language, bow pure,it wraps up unclean: things in cleans expel-- floors 402 Secrecy ; Themneff ferret stir are cb- vitaae to God. 571 Security of the litter deeyes foretold. 262. Security of!inners at all times. 61;, might move us to doe good, and avoid evil/. 315. what felle- love Id good. 315 Senators, whoand why fo called. 28 Saxes,