Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

r H.E 'i ABLE. ,'elfe. 688. ttMany frayes f ewed how chu H dure. 689. To cover Cui lin. 696. Sin encreafith two stays by cencealement. 69:7. every man loath fosse fpeei:dll fin. 7o4. Aged. ly man cannot have a beloved fin. 706. between a fpeciali and a beloved fin opened. 707. Sin lived in or loved will prove an ir.- fupportable burden. 735. Senceleffe creatures will be.ere siitnes again)? fin. 748 F..ureforts of crying fins. 750. Sin hou, it cbanbtrio the notas. ral cour fe ofthings., 765 Sinners, are foelifh. 61 Slander, to Gander thegoodways, efo- there, it to marre and deflr.y them. 112 Slanderers are man- eatersr6g Sloathfall man, how brother te a wa- fter. 271, Society, to be driven from the focioty ofmen e great puriTenent.52. Man was made for lociety. 54 _Solitarines, five taures why mesaban den company and live folitary.36,37 Songs, what it is to be made a for g. 73 To make ebnfive forgs of othersW a great wickednes. 74 Sorrow, burning with forrow boxy. 241. Much of our life it fpent in forrow. 263. S me have furrow without any comfort. 265.. Sorrow Jags folitarires. 273 Soule, put for the 240 The foule is cleiefely purfued by the dsvill. 14Q. The fop of man is the priecipall part of r7ran.140.Thit: fbewed in.maecy refpeEh. 141, 142, 143. SoukPepe, not when the body n' et, 145. 4 ceiwplai*t andlumen, talio. that the foule ufo muchneg» 1. fled. 146,147. Soule, divert cc- ceptations of it in Scripture. 152, 153 632,633. Spitting in thefacet what it impart, in Scripture. 83 Starres and their afpeeh, hewforte ex- cufe their fins by them. 690 Standing up, afouref idfigniftcation of that Allure. 191 Statutes, how god gave fuch as were norgoad. 364 Stealing, all falfe dealing is haling. 341 Steps, what they are in Scripture, and how they may be nxmbred. 741 Step.1max twof, id. 356 Strange It is 4 ftrange thing to ferne to mette withforrow. 3 t 8. Cod can maketheft quickly acquainted with farrow to whom it bath bets roof' orange. 319 Strength of hand u given to prcft withaß. 24. Strength of body net to be boated of. 173 Strife, fame are great lovers of fttifz andcontention. 732 Strangers and travelers feeb:t(f to much hardfbip. 65.4. AI thepeople of God are ftrangers in this world. 65.5. It it a duty to /hew kindnes to ftrangers. 655. Heathens exerci- . feda kind ofreligioufneffe in the en- tertainment of ftrangers. 656 Subftance, a mans fubftance what it u. 207,208. Manbath nothing fo fob- ftanriall. but Godcan quickly melt it. 208, 209. Onlyfpirituall t bflance abider 209. 210 áub