Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

THE TABLE. Submiffionofmind das to Ced.5o9,5 +0 SunandMone, how it is ftnfull to be- hold then. 554 They have been worfhipped eu 14t. 56i. The He, brew word for the Sun fignifieth a fervant, why. 543. what no ved to the werfkipof tbeSun&Moone.564 Sun exprt'ed by three words in the Hebrew, their fagnsfcations. 264 Sufferings, they who dot like beaffs fuf fer like hafts. 59. No fuffering con- dition fo low&fordid.4ut CodTome. times rafts bu choyceff fervants into it. 179 Superfition it very ceremonious. 577 Suteablenes between the heart and any werke stakes it ?leafing. 343 Syrophanes an Egyptian,how the -ecca- fon of?usage- wor/bip. 566 T Tabernacles, why the ancient people of Godcaked all their dweßingsfo.6i7, 638 Teares, how perfwafsve. 237 Temptation to the worff fins in the world, makes no man guilty senile beconfent. 694. Temptation, the re/iffanee of it *ewes f rength of grace. 645 Terrors, what theyare. 133. Agodly man may be under terrors. s 35. In- ward terrors aremoregrieveou then all outward troubles. 136. A two- fold terror. Soo Thankfulnes, thanks fbs"ld bereturned when benefits are received. 483. If they who have received good by to doe not thanke ur, yet we Jkak not leofe cur thanks. 484 Theeves, l7atbfrsl1 perfins are to be numbred with them. 55. Theeves a hateful/gener, in a.Y ages. 55 Thinking, we hardly thinke If thole things which we dot not fee. 302 Thoughts, that which is much in oar thoughts; u apt togot out in words. 9z.Inordinate thoughtsarefins.303 Evil thoughts their finfulnefs and danger Loyd downe in five cocln;r- ens. 304, 305. Agraci w e heart is watchful againfi evil/ thoughts. 305. It ia an excellent meaner ee+ keep our (elves from finfull atls, to looks to our thoughts. 306 Tbreatnings of rife to the godly as reel eta the proinifes. 422. Threocnings "fed by men will not sxcafe xs if we fn againft god to avyd them. 6S2 Throateof the wicked, why called an open Sepulcher. 625 Time,Rsort in all the three notions ofer. 286. Times, blrj-d changes of times promifed. 766,767 Titius, hit bowels eaten by a Vulture, what it ftgnifi d. 233 Titus Vefparian, his compayien to the miferable ?ewer. 77 Tongue ; See Mouth. why thetongue is calledmansglory 625. Toogue- fîns safsly fallen into; reafons ofit. 626 Trajane the Emper ur, his benignitie to his Snbjots. 434 Truth ofanyfort, the precicufnes of it. 342 , V Vanity, what it is. 333, 33k, what 11 hhhh2 is