THE TABLE. it it to Milk', in vanity- 334. Sin is vanity in all the notions ofit. 315. Vanity ofthe creature con Os c!oiefely in two doings. 565 Vanity ofvanities, all world!, things are ,lo in r ('roe re en r. 314 Viking ; vifie taken threeways to Scripture. 433 U .animity, Orally wickedmenare u- nani'nous indoing evil!. . 127 U beliefe binders the confrfon of fan. 668 U Beane p¡tr,/ons .ere vigilant. 392 They will not refssfe any paints to esj,y forbiddenplcafares._ 394 W Wages ofthe labanrer, bowgreat an eppreffivn it is to detaine it. 758 Walking. what it imports.. 3 3 3 .4godly mannosy fiep into beet he cannot walke in a ffnfnll way: 338 Wantonncs, vit/ory over temptations to wantoines,is rare and great. 383 Warchfullnes, a godly man watcheth againf$fin. 623. Agracious heart lath a watchful! eye over his owns ways. 742 Way, Cod kath appoynted man a way to walke in. 35.7. Five properties ofthe way !which godappoynts. 358 A naturali man loves to wander out ofGods way. 3 59. Rwrong way is no way. 360. Every moral ate' is a ftep eytber in or out of the way. e}6o. A godly man would not goo alisp out ofthe way. 361 leeping cf two forts.. 2.3.7 Wealth agrowing thing. Sir. The fonte wordfignifethwealth,tirength and fublkance, why. 5.3 2. fl w it it or is not finf,na to rej,yce in wealth, 5.33 ll.en is very apt to rejoyce in worldly wealth. 536. worldly men a;cribs their wealth to their owns getting. 546. Several/ rules about the getting, keeping, and nfsng of worldly wealth. 548. 544 Weighing 4fperlons and of 95 much care to be taken in it. 349. Wicked men flender and epprefe the godly, when in a low condition. 13 t The mifery of wicked men greateft' when they eiy,though they oftenpirate themfelves to tbinhe that death will put an end to all their miferies. 232 They foal be afilledfor ever with the lofe cftheir hopes. 259 Wicked men doing wickedly, have noground to hope for any goodfromGod. 3111. God loath noportion ina wicked man. 311. 'Tie their nature to bate the godly. There are five contrarieties between a godly and a wicked man. 6ot, 6oz Widdow, the widdows eaufe muff not be deferr'd. 459 Willingnes ; what we are willing to doe, weput all things in a readinefe to doe. 656 Winde, three motes about its motion. 148 'Vita it it to bt lifted up to the wind. 203:. Witnes ; A falte witnes how expreffed by the Rabbins. 405 Wife ; To chufe a wife by the eye is a kdnde of Adultery. 296. Wives,