76 Chap, 3e. An Expoftion upon the Booke of j o 1. serf, 9ì. word this Text was lately alledged) gathered themfelvet toge- tber again¡7 me, and I knew it toot, they did there me (that is, my honour and goodname with reproaches and fcornefull Flanders ) andeeafednot; withhypocritical) markers at featis theygualhedup- on me with their teeth. Mocking was the mufick of their feafting, and they glutted themfelves with fcorne more then with meare and drinke, or rather(aswe fpeake proverbially) mocking and fcorning was nzeate, drinke, and cloath to them. Sad 7eremy found the fame fpirit working in many at the calamities ofyeru- falem ; For thus he brings in the Church of the jewes bemoan- ing her captivity ( Lament. 3, 14. ) I was a derifion to all my.peo- ple ( that is, to all the perfidious ones among my people, or to (Moat, 4melech and Edom,whowere formerly fubjeft tome as my people) and their Fong all the day long. Weeufe to fay, Love me a little, and love me lng,but there (faith he) did not only fcorn me much,bur fcorne me long,even all theday long; and (v.63.) Behold their fittingddwne (to eate) and their riing up (from eat- ing, or in the whole cnurfe of their time) t am their ,mufick O how they Infulred over the Poore Church in her affii&ion ! Thus alfo fome expound that in the Prophet ( &zek. 3 3. 32. ) emend lo, thole art to them as a very lovely fnQ, of one that kath a pleafaut voyce,and canplay well upon an Irflrument : That is, his . hearers went away and made lovely merry longs ofhim,in fcorne and derifion either of his perron or doctrine ; Thofe words of the former verfe,For with theirmouth they/hewmuch Ave, ftria. ly rendred our ofthe original confirme this interpretarion,as ap- peared in the Margin (dour own Bibles,where the Hebrew is thus exprefs'd ; bey make loves or jets. It feemes the fine wits of thole times ufed tomake libellous rithmes or fonnets upon Eze- kiel, and his Sermons. Some to this dayhaving heard the word ofGod preached , goe away and laugh at him that preached it, & fo the Minifter is but as a long ro them;And I know not which is the greater fin, or thews the prophaner fpirie, to deride the word ofGod preached, or to deride a godly manaffh ed ; for as the will ofGod is heard and derided in the one, fo 'cis feene and derided in the other. The will of God as to holineffe, or what weought to doe, is feene in man as he iegodly, and the will of God'as to providence, or what himfelfe bath done, is feene in man as he is ,aflifted, and therefore to deride. a godly affhéted man,