Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

1 Leffcif sÎ sionomr.crS, rudo Scarc / a c Z;¡a¡, and -n,rix¡,.k.'le írc ti¡e, fate. of ll arL t e/- no more rufL0.L Souls rüueiLhere, tgenn,Ce By Seín Stars ranted avat Andeis 6e . ln,erc as`fc¡'nat attr door rvlio 'tis : íf ¡S¡o, Zis" SYLa[Law cavnat fed tÍiee.32ead arL[L.Lr10w

MED7ILLA THEOL1OGI±FEe OR THE ; l. sfh<lt : MARR O F DIVINITY, Contained in fundryQueftions and Cafes of Con- fcience , both Speculative and PraIical ; the greateft part of themColleaed out of the Works ofour rnofl Judicious, Experienced, and Orthodox ENGLISH DIVINES. The Ref' are fupplied by the Authour. By SA. C LARKE, Paftor of the Church in Bennet Fi,nk, LOij_DON. z Tim. 3. 16,17. X /l Scripture is given by infpiration of God, and is profitablefor DeFfrine, for reproof, forCorre/ion, forinflru/liontnrighteoufnefs. Thatthe man of God may beperfell, thronghlyformflied untoallgoodWorks. trllulti fcientiam quarunt, pauci Confcientiam : Confcientia autem quam fcientia citim apprehendttur, cT utilius retinetur. Bernard. a LONDON, Printedby Thomas Ratclì$, for Thomas `Underhill, at the Blue Anchor and Bible in Paul, Church -yard. 16 59.

TO T HE Ii HT VVORSHIPFUL His muchHonoured friends, Sir RICHARD PIGOT OF DODDERSHALL Knight, And to the Virtuous and truly Religious. Lady his Wife. Sir, Madam, l' °°,,.,, have longed for an opportu- nity whereby I might teftifie mygratitudeuntoyoufor your i Noble favour in fo freely con- , w .. ferring the R e¿oryof Grendon ° o ° ° ° upon my eldefi Sonne : as alto for thole manyencouragements which hehath fence received fromyou : and this (I conceived) i could not better do then by prefenting this Book unto you , wherein you have the fubfiance of many ;worthymens labours upon feveral Heads in Divi- nitycontrafted into anarrow roome. Solomon the ¡ A 2 wifeft

Excl. I].IL. B. Hails t0 bis Ca¡ce of COnriiclláe A4>18.ó. Sumncum ajud Deum eff nobi- litar, clsrum cffc virtutibu.r Hierum. TheEpiflleDedicatory. w ifeft ofmen, tellsus, that o fmaking (which is true altoofreading)many Books there is no end, and much (lady is azvearinef oftheflefh :yet tohave thechoice- eft flowers tranfplantedout of feveral gardens into a littleparcel ofground, cannot but minifter both pleafüre and profit. Concerning this Subject, a Learned, famous, and Reverend Divine hath left us his thoughts in thefe words : Of all Divinity (faith he) that part is moil ufefull which determines Cafes ofConfiience, andofall Cafes ofConfcience the practicalare moft nece f fary ; as aCtion is o fmore concern- ment then f peculation. Such you fhall finde here, wherebyyoumay be guided both in private and publick; and whereby,as in an impartial Glafs,you mayview the face , and know the true fiate ofyour fouls,andbe directed to be the more exemplary in your lives:you know that MagnatesfuntMagnetes, great ones, likeLoad-(tones, draw many by their examples , a nd inferioui s look upon them as their Looking-glalfes, bywhich they ufuallydrefs them- felves : its very obfervable, that whenCrifus the chiefRuler ofthe Synagogue beleeved, many of theCorinthians beleeved alto; andI doubt not but your confront and diligent attending upon thepub- lick Miniftry (though at a great diltance from you)doth attract and quicken many of your Te- nantsand neighbours to do the like. It makes you alto precious in the eyes ofGod and his people, the belt Nobility i s to excel in grace, andvertue; and this

TheEpifile Dedicatory. tills cannot be better difcovered then by love to Gods Miniffers, and a careful San&ification of the Lords day: andwhat Influence filchexamples have upon thevulgar is obvious to everyeye.I have read that Queen Eli abeth once riding progreffe into Suffolk., laid, that now the faw the reafon why that C,ountreywas fo well governed; for the obterved that all the Juflices, andGentlemen comingtomeet ". her,had everyone his Minit}er next to his perfon. And truly they that honour God, (hall be honour- edby him,hewill be a Sun and afhieldunto them; he w,li give themgrace here, and gloryhereafter; andno good thingwill he with-holdfrom themwhich walkup- rightly. Godlinefs is thehigh-way to happinefs,the (good old way that hath ever breve beatenby all thole saints that now finde reif unto theirfouls. (What 1Eneas Silvio Paid of learning , maymuch `more be laidofReligion and righteoufnei's: Vul- gar men thould efleeme it as filver, Noblemen as !gold,and Princes fhould prize it above their chief-eft pearls. Semen fanc`fumflatumenterree, the holy feed is the fubffance ofthe earth; the saintsare thepeopleof 'Gods purcbafe,that comprehend all his gettings,and aremuch more dear to him then Naboths Vine- yard was tohim. HePets them before hisface for e- !ver,Pfal.4.i.12. as loving to look upon them, yea, ;upon the verywalls ofthehoules where theydwell, Ifa.49.16. they are his portion , Deut.32.9. his inbe- 'ritance , Efay 49. 16. the dearly beloved of bis A 3 foul, Pjala4. I I . Ifa. 6.I 3.

C01.3.1 , 2. The Epifile Dedicatory. foule , Jerem. 12. 7, and his glory , Efay 46. 13. And thus theyare though accompanied with ma- ny weakneffes : For as David law nothing in lame Mephibofheth, but what was lovely, be- cau fe he íàw in him the features of his friend 7onathan : So God beholding his offending Saints in the face of his sònne, takes no 'no- tice ofany thing amiffe in them. And truely, the knowledge and remembrance of thefe things is that which doth wonderfully fupport the god- ly under their greateft preífures, and draw forth the it affedions Heaven-ward : The Saints (faith a Reverend Divine) are lowly in their Epee ches , but lofty in their actions; but efpecially in their affedions, which are carried above all Earthly Objects , and not content till they are got home to Heaven. Thefe flan-es, though they are feene fometimes in a puddle, though they reflect there, yet they have their f- tuation in Heaven Thefe Birdes of Paradife though they may happilie fometimes touch up. on the Earth, yet they are moftly upon the Wing, and thefe outward comforts, and Crea- tures are to them , but fcale & ale , wings , and winde in their wings tocarry them upwards. I write not thefe things (Right Worfhipful) as fufpeiingyour ignorance, or doubting your pra- dice ofthem ; but only to fiirreupyourpure minds by patting you in remembrance, that wherein you have

TheEpiffle Dedicatory. have begun , you may be encouraged to perfevere till you come to the full fruition, and enjoyment of that Crowne of Glory, and eternal happinefs which Chrift hath purchafed, and will certain- ly conferre upon all thofe that love him, and long for his appearing. For the furtherance whereof, I hope the Readingof this Book may r= contribute fomething, which is the heartie pray- er, and earneft defire of him , who will not ceafe , March 22. 16 5 Sir, Madam, To Love, Honour andferveyou, SA. CLARKE. TO

TO THE Chriftian Reader. Chriftian Reader , J` Tbath been long and often complained of, that our Engli(h Divines , who of all others are judged thefttefl, andablefl to write Cafes of Confcience , in regardoftheir manifoldex- , periences in this kind, haveyet done fo little. Gwa The Friers and fefuttes have written many large Volumes ofthis SubjeSi, which yet are rather fo many dunghills ,thenfo many Gardens ofTweetfinellmg Flowers, and tendrather to thecorruping of , then to thefatisfying oftroubled foules, as may be amply seen in a book lately taught to fjeake Engli(h, called the Myftery ofJefuitifine. i have long expeEl ed, andhoped, thatforce abler pen would haveundertaken this work o f fuch great tendernefs , and va, fi extent, the rather becaufe it bath been the desre, and requefí of all the Forraign Protefiant Churches that fowe fuck thing'. shouldbe done, at lead by our London Mìni(lers. And tru- ly the work is toogreat, and the burden too heavy for one mans (boulders : net feeing that none ,elfe wouldfet about it , 1, who am the moll un1 t , and least ablefor fuch an Herculean labour have

To the Reader, have adventured to publi(h the f my firft Efayes : and being confciows to my owninfufcience, have made the greateft part of it , rather a ColleStion out of others writings than any thingffiun out of my own brains. Yet, befides the pains in malting choice of, andgoing through f o many .duthors , 1 bave taken liberty to contraswhere it might well be done, and to va- ry thephrafe (not thinkingfit wholly to tye myfelf toother mens words) Sometimes to add, andothers fometimes to leave out , where my judgement didnot concur with theirs. Iprefume, Ineednot tell you the ufefulneffe of this Subject.' How necef ary it is toget and keep a good Confcience : To be ac - quaintedwith our SpirituallEflate, and condition : To be dire- Sfed in that great dutyoffelfexamination : To have rules pre- fcribedfor the right ordering ofour thoughts, Words, and "'- Mons.' To have our fins difcovered that we may avoid them ; and our Errors laid open that we may amend them. For as the clearefl blood makes the bei Spirits, and the purefi Aire ,breeds the greateft agility,fo theholiefi life yeelds the foundeff comfort, and the tendereft Confcience the molt unfhotted life. Tea, agoodConfcience will appear in the Countenance, andlookmer- rily out at the windows ofthe eyes. It made Stephen look like anlingellofGod,AÚ.6.15 It is premium ante prcmium: fiea- ven aforehand : Some clufieri ofGrapes ofthe Caleffiall Ca- naan. Its like Sampfons haire, that willmake a man invin- cible. It will (land under the greatefi preffures : It made the. Jpoftle togoe away rejoycing when they hadbeenbeaten, for that they were counted worthy to Puffer flume for Chrifts fake, Ac`s. 5.40,4i. It made many ofthe Martyrs to go as mer. rily to dye as to dine. Be the Aire cleere, or cloudy, he that bath a goodConfcience enjoyesperpetual)fereníty of foule, and fits continually at that bleffedFeafl,where theholy "Inge!" are Cooks, andButlers (as Luther pbrafeth it) and the three pertons ofthe Trinity are gladfome Gueffs. Let a manbefoundwith. in, andat peace with his own Confcience, and he will bravely bear up under unspeakablepreffures. Paul ( though no man out ofHellfußredmore) Yet didhe not only glory in Tribu- lation,

Tothe Reader. lation , bid overabound exceedingly with joy, 2Cor, 7. q.. As an old- beaten Porter to the CroJ, 1Vlalluit tollerare, quartz deplorare : His flroake was heavier then hisgroaning,Job 23. z. Premat corpus , fremat Diabolus, turbat mundus , ilk femper exit fecuru s, faith Bernard. Let Men , the World , and the Divels doe their worm , they cannever hurt him that 1p bath a good Confcience. Confcientia pura, femper fecura.l AgoodConfciencebath a fure confidence, be that bath it, fits ( Noah - like) Mediis tranquillus in undis : quiet in the middefi ofgreatefl combuftions. It will snake a man fleep with out a pillow, yea without a bed. It made Jacob talje filch good refi upon a f one : Peter tofleep jofweetly , though laden with Iron Chains, and( for ought he knew) to die the next day. Philpot, andhisfellow Prifoners to fingPíalms , and to roufe as merrily in thefirawin the Bifhops Coleboufe, as if they had been upon down beds in a Pallace. Itsa Feafl with any food, thoughnever f o courfe and(lender. Hence itsexcellentlyfaid: In minimo maximum eíî: bona mens in corpore humano : 'qux fi adft, deliciofus vivit, etiam is qui teruntium non habet in orbe, quam fi in unum hominem fexcentos confies iSardanapalos. Itsafull Feafl, a ladling Feafi : notfora day, I. as was Nabals : nor for feven dayes, as was Sampfons ; no r ;nor for ninefcore dayes as was that ofAhaíhuerus : but a du- 41 rable Feafi without intermon o f (olace, or interruption offoci- etie. Vis ergo ( Ohomo) fen(per epulari ? vis nunquam 4trií}is are ? ( faith Bernard) bene vive. Wouldefi thou !never befad? would'fl thou turn thy life into a merryFeffivall ? Get, andretainagoodConfcience : and then Imayfay to thee in Solomons words, Eccleí.9. 7, 8, 9. Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy , and drink thy Wine with a merry heart : For God now accepteth thy works. Let thy Gar- mentsbe alwiaes whire,and let thy head lackno ointment: Live joyfully with the wife whom thou loveíl, &c. Thud youfee what are the benefits, and priviledges of' a good Confeience, whichfhouldmove andquicken no to the [Judy of Cafes of Cçnfcience, whereby we may be enabled to beep a Con.

To the Reader, Confcience void ofofence towards God, and towardman, A&. 24. 16. and that we may be thefurther provokedhereunto, let us on theother hand confider the mifehiefr, and inconvenien- ce,' oranevill Confcience, one finall drop whereof troubleth a whole Sea ofoutwardcomforts, and contentment:, a whole con- fluence whereof wouldno more cafe a woundedSpirit, then afair fbo;e agouty foot, or a filkenflocking a broken legg. Indeed its aburden infùpportable, which is able to quaile the courage, and coif?, the fbaulders ofthe f¡rongefl man upon Earth : Hence Job preferred, and Judas chofe firangling before it : Daniel. chofe rather to be caj¡ to the Lions , then to carry a Lion, and enraged Confcience in his bofonee. Its an ever-gnawing worm ¡bat isbred in this life ofthe f oth offilthy luffs , andfiagicions toff?fes, and !yes gnawing upon men, inwards,many times in the r; atoll a their jollity. It was this that made Saul callfor his inufrc4 : Bcltefhazzar for his caroufing cups : Cain for his workmen to buildhim a City, &c. and this theydid to put by thepangs oftheir woundedSpirits , and throbbing Confciences: Andyet all thismany times willnot ferve turn, as wefee in Ne- ro, after he hadkilledhis Mother,and Wives : In Otho , when he had[lain Galba, and Pifo : In Herod thegreat, after behad caufedhis Wife Mariamne tobe put to death: In our Richard the third, after he badmurtheredhis two innocent Nephews : In Spira : Latomus,&c.all which werefo grubbedwith this worm, that they could not be at reft ,?either night nor day, tillbeing ut- terly tiredwith continual! vexation ofSpirit , they either dep.. rately flew themfelves, or were dreadfully difJatcbedby others. "Hence Plutarch ( though a Heathen) thought that the very "life ofa wickedman was puni(bment enough without,either God " or mans revenging hand. For (faith he) ifthey examine " their lives, theyfinde themfelvesempty ofgrace , d f itute of " hope, loaden withfear, fadneffe, unchearfulneffe, andfuflition "ofwhat will fallow after : their lives are therefore worfe then "the life ofaDog: for a Dog lives without mental! fu f rings , " anddies, and there is an endofhim : but a wickedman b al- " wayes upon the wrac&whilefh he lives, and is never freefrom the

Tc theReader. [C thelafbes ofan evill Confcience. Quid prodeft bonis plena arca, fì inanis fit Confcientia ? -faith St. Auf}in, what good is there in a chef! full ofgoods, when the Confcience is empty of goodnefe : Such an one is like Naaman, a richman, but a Leper: or like jefabel, that ( nodoubt) had acoldheart under apaint. edface : Such an one in the :Riddell ofhis mirth bath many a fecret gripe, and little knows the worldwhere his fhooe pinched.) hint. EveryFowle that loath the beautifullefl Feathers, bath not the fweeteft flefh : nor cloth every tree that beareth a goodly leaf, bear goodfruit : andmany thingsgl f erbefides Gold: So is it with wickedmen, in the fulnefs of their fufficiency they are in ftraits,&. Job zo.zz, &c. But I will enlarge nofurther : Ifball only tellyou that in or- dering tbefe Cafes ofConfcience, Iproceed (asyou may eafly perceive ) Alphabetically, according to the method which I ufed ¡tiny Mirror, where you may finde Examplesfinable for thefe feverall heads, andby that little progreffewhich I have already made, you may judge howmuch isyet behind : which were enough to deter an oldman, as I atu being in the fixttethyear ofmy age, but that, Ihope, I am doing the Lords work, and if my Ma/ler callme away before I have finifbedit, Ifhallnot muchfaileof St. when the Lord came, he mightfinde himaut precantem, aut prxdicantem, either pray- ing, orpreaching. I have one requeft more to the godlyjudicious, that wherein they obferve myfailings,theywouldbepleafedeither by Wordor Letter to informme ofthem, that I may reE7 fe them for the time to come : and if Ifinde thefe my poor labours ufefull, andacceptable to the Church ofChrifl, I fhall be encouraged , whilfi Godcontinues life, andhealth togo on in the fame : Iant alp toacquaint you, that theBookseller bath fo ordered the Print- ing hereof, that whofever pleafeth mayput in fair paper be- tween each Chapter, tomake larger Additions to thefame. Thus beggingthine earnesiprayersfor a bleffing upon my Labors both public![, andprivate, I refi Frommy study inThrid- Thine,and the Churches fervant needleftreet, Lonel(m,(714ar. S A. C L AR K E. the 22. 1658. 9

A Table ofalltheQuef1ions, andCafes ofConfcience that are handled in thisVolume. CHAP. I. About the abfinence in the ufe of Lawfull things. Hethermay a man fin in the ufe ofLairfoilthings? p. Why is there fomuch danger in the ufe of lawfull things? i What inílances may be given to thew how men a- bufe their lawfull liberty, with the hazard of their foules? a What meanes may we ufe to prevent our auufe of thefe lawfull things c 3 CHAP. II. eA'bout aElions, Natural!, Civil!, `kecreati Ze, R 'ligious, &c. What makes an atìion good ? 5. What are the ingredients requifte to make anatliongood ? ib. What things canmake agood action to become evil! ? 6. Can any thingwe dobe good,when all our righteoufneffes are as filthy rags ? ibid. CHAP. III. About adoption. How many fortsoffores are there ? 7. Howmanifold is Adoption ? ibid. Howmanifold is internal1 ,adoption? ibid. a 2 What

il The Table. VVhat i s the manner ofAdoptionbegunhere in this world ? 8. What are the benefits,and comforts that flow to usfrom hence? ibid. How may weknowour Adoption? ibid. What duties are we taught from the confideration of our eAdop- tion ? 9. What are the means of our Adoption, both internali, and exter- nail ? ibid. What are the marks of the inward Baptifine ? ibid. Flow may the milreryofourAdoption be conceived of? ibid. How may the gloryof our Adoption appear to be fo great ? ibid. What kind of perlons muff we beto attain to this Adoption? Io. What are the marks whereby we may know our (elves to be Adopt. ed by God? ix. How mull the AdoptedChildren of God carry themfelves here? ib. What may we doe to attain the Spirit ofddoption,and to keep the live- ly fenfe ofit in our fouls ? ibid. Whatare the fignes that we have the Spirit ofAdoption? ibid. How may we preferve the witneffe of the Spirit of Adopti- on? ibid. What is Adoration? What are the principali grounds ofit in theheart ? Howmanifold isAdoration? 'VVhat is Religious Adoration , and what is to it? CJIAP. IV. About Adoration, or worJbip. r3: ibid ibid. be confiderd in ibid. VVhat is civili adoration, and what is tobe confidered in it ? ib. To what thingsAdoration is due, and in what manner ? ibid. What Adoration is due to God, andwhat Caveats are to be retttem- bred therein ? and why? 14. 3 Objefl. But I intend nut to worfhip the image , but God there- in ? ibid. objefl. God was worfhippedbefore the Ark ? andSubjets kneele be- foré theChaire ofState ? ibid. What vermesare required in Religious Adoration? ibid. What Adoration isdue to theCreatures ? , ibid. Whether any be due to the evill Spirits ? what is due to good An- gels, and to men ? 15. May not Religious, or mixt adorationbe given to them ? ibid. What Adoration is due to the Saints departed ? ibid. Whether any Adoration belongs to the unreafonable Creatures,-or to theworks ofthe Creatures , as to images, &c. ibid. CHAP.

The Table. CHAP. V. About Adultery. What Adultery is, and-whether when the man,or Wife commit Adal- levy, the bondof marriage is diffolved ? 17 How tentations to Adultery may be prevented, and withftood ? 18 Bywhat means mayweprefery e our chaftity ? 19. CHAP. VI, About Affeílions, or Paffions. Howmany kinds of Af fetiions be there, and what are fenfuall a&elli- o&? 21. Whether feufitive Affeflions are to bee abandoned, or only mode- rated ?. ibid. are the rational! elf feRions ? How may it be proved that there are AffeElions inthe higheft part ofthe foule ? 22. How it maybe proved that thefe rationall offeEliors are motions ofie will ? Are thefe fo elevated above the body, that they have nothing t do with it ? Why mutt our AP -lions be carefully lookedto ,and ordered according to Gods VVord ? 23. Howmay we know to what P.,ffius weare molI inclined ? ibid. By what cigrees are the Affeflioas wrought on ? Why wicked mens Affeai3ßs may be farre wrought on , and yet come fhort ? 25. How (hail wee know whether wee are rightly (ffe?ed tow rIs thrift ? Whywe should be careful! to have our AffelJiors let right ? 26. How to prove thatAffec ions in themfeives arcnot finfull ? 27. How are unmortifiedPaff ions to be fubdued ? -ibid. How may Affeílions be divided ? Whereinconfifts thefandifiedmade ofthofe Affeflions which ibid. theirObject ? What may move us to af f e l that which isgood ? 29. Is it not mercenary to ferve God upon hope of reward ? ibid. Wherein ftands the fan&ified exercìfe of thofe affeRio6s that fly from their Obje& ? ibid. What may moveus to fhun that which is evil! ? ibid. Irisnot fervile to forgoe fin for fear of ,punifhment ? 3o. May theElate of our foules be difcerned by our offeEions ? ibid. ¡Why are our Affeflions oft fo flat , when our judgements are con- ibid. I vincéd ? VVhat

The .Table. ¡What rules may dire& us in the Government of our affecti- ons ? 3i. VVhy fhould Affections be kept within their bounds ? ibid. How may immoderate Affections be prevented or cured? ibid. VVhy fhould we try , and carefully governour affections? 34. VVhether may theftrength of grace confift with the want of thofe ftrong offeftiors which men have at their firft converfion ? 35. In what Cafes may Chriftians want ftrong offellions ? and whence it comes ro pafs? 36. 37- VVhat muff we doe when wehave loft our firft affeaions .? CHAP VII. About e4ffli£tions. VVhat is AffliE ion ? and why God fuffers his Children to be affli&fed and diftreffed a 39, 40. But what (hall we fay to extraordinary 4fftiaiors ? and fundryObjeéi- ons anfwered, 40, 45- Other reafons why God fuffers his children to be greatly diftref- fed. 4r. What defigns bath God inaffliETing his Children ? 44. What may comfort us in ofliltiors ? 45. What further may comfortus in afflictions? 46. Howmuff we prepare for affliaions ? ibid. What may we do to know themeaning of Gods rod ? ibid. How (hall weknow thatour áf fliiions are for triall, and inftruetion, and notfor fin ? 47, How to finde out that particularfin for which Godcomas us ? ibid. How maywequiet our hearts in affliction? ibid. How our afflictions are faid to be fhort ? 48. What are the benefits of receiving 'our afflictions as from God ? ibid. VVhat is to be feared whenafflictions are heavyand longb? ibid. How than we bear afflictions rightly, and befure toprofit by them ? and whence this wifdom toprofit by them isgotten ? 49 VVhat are theends of afflictions? ibid. VVhether all afflictions are cvill intheir ownnature?and whether liim. ply evill ? 5o. How afflictions come to be good ? ibid. Howwe mayprepare our felves to conflict withAfflictions? ib. VVhat may moveuspatiently tobear fuch afflictions asGod layes on us? 52.. HowGods love is manifefted to us in afflictions? 53- Howwill it appear thatafflictions cannot hurt GodsChildren? 54* How God intends, and works our good by afflictions ? 55.i VVhat comfortthe confideration hereof may bringus ? :bid,. How may we know that our afflictions are trials, and not puoifh- meats ?

TheTable. ments ? I Objectionsanfwered. 1 VVhat further helps are there to comfortus in affictioas IAbout the Angels. VVhat areAngels? and what titles the Scripturegives them ? 59. VVhat are the principali propertiesoftheAngels? 6o. VVhat are the Offices of theAngels ? 61. VVhyBoth God ufe the Minifiryofthe Angels about us ? 63. VVhyare they tender keepers ofGods Children ? ibid VVhat comfort Both the Confideration thereof bring to us? ibid. VVhence then comes it to pafs that Gods Children fall into incon- veniences ? ibid. Whatmay this Guardianfhip ofthe Angels teachus ? 64. What need we the guard of Angels, feeing God can doe it with- out them ? , ibid. VVhat is further to belearned from hence ? ibid. What excellenciesare attributed to theAngels ; ibid. Wherein fhould we imitate theangels? ibid. What further comfort may the nature, and Offices of the Angels afford us ? ibid. How are the Angels imployed ? ibid. iHow elfe their Minifiry isufed? 65, How manifold is theknowledge of the Angels? 66. CHAP. IX. About Anger, wrath, Pallion, Malice, andR,gtenge. Mowmany fortsofAnger are there ? 67. What is good anger, and what bad ? ibid. Why is anger placed in the heart? ibid. Now mull we ad anger? ibid. How may it be proved that there is a goodanger ? ibid 'When is anger rightly ordered ? 68. What are the properties ofholy anger ? ibid. How we are to flit up holy anger inour felves ? 69. 9 Wby is angerrightly tobeordered ? 70 What are the kinds ofdiforderedanger ? ibid. What motives may diffwadeus from finfull anger ? 7 r Objections whereby menplead for anger, anfwered?. 74, Bywhat means is corrupt anger to be mortified? ibid, . What further means may we ufe to fubdue it ? 76. What means may we ufe to fupplant it? How may we cure anger in others? 7g_ 1 Hoer CHAP. VIII. 56. 57.

The Table. ;it)* is vicious, and virtuous anger differenced? ibid. Whatother caufes be thereof finfull anger ? ib. VVhat arc the evilleffects of finfull anger:' 79: Howmay we cure anger in others,by feeing it inour felves? 80. What is hatred, andwhencedoth it proceed ? ibid. Is therenogood ufeofhatred? what is the chiefufe ofit ? 8r. What are the batefulleffeasofit ? ibid. ¿lowmay it ie prevented-or cured ? 82. ¿fdw is immoderateanger a fin? 83. CH AP. X. About Anger in Cod. 'What is eí1'nger inGod? how to prove that there is anger in God? 85. Why isthere anger in God ? why arc Judgements called Gods an- #er ? ib. Why is Gods anger fo terrible ? 86. How may Gods anger be diverted ? ib. Why will repentance doe it? ib Howis Gods! anger turned fromhis Children, when yet they finde the effeels of it ? 87. Row fuch may know that Godsanger is turned fromthem? ib. HowGod is Paid to be angry withhischildren ? ib. What is anger in God? 88. VVhyBoth God poureout his anger upon limiers ? ib. CHAP. XI. About the Antinomian Errours. VVhether God Children should fee any fin in themfelves ? 89 VVhether is the Law given as aRule to Believers ? ib. ObjectionsAnfwered. go, 91, &c. Howmayour Juftification be evidenced ? 95. Other Objections Anfwered, 96)97. CHAP. XII. About t/f po fiacie. hât is Apoflacie ? howmany forts arethereofit 2 How far may a Childe ofGodApoftatize ? 'Vlierc then is grace in fuchanone ? Whence proceeds the back-Eliding of thegodly ? What are their fins that caufe this back_fliding What means may theyufe to prevent it? Whatmay move them to avoid the deadnefs which mules it 2 VVhatmay quicken them? How do temporary Believerswither, and fall away? 99. ib. 100. ib. io% 102, ib. 1.04. ib. VVhat

Tbe Table. What is the danger ofApoftates? 'el. VVhat are the figns of falling ingrace ib. VVhat meansmay prevent Apoftacy? íb. What motives may encourage to the ufe ofthofe means ? Io6. How may we lay a lure foundation toprevent ApoRacy ? ib. CPAP. XIII. About Appareil. 1 How arewe tonfe Appareil? log. Wherein stands decency inappareil? log, Whether Ornaments ofgold, flyer, &c. maybe ufed ? ib. rObje&ións anfwered ? ib. What cautions are to be obferved in the ufe of fuch Ornar. ments ? Ito. Howmany fin in appareil ? ib. What are the proper ufes of appareil ? ib. What isfurther to be confidered in theufe ofappareil ? III. / What Rulesare to be obferved in preparing it? ib. How {hall we, know what is necefiary? and who {hall judge of i it? ib. ! VVhen is appareilfitted to the body ? ib. ;Whethermay wetakeupstrange fashions ? 112. VVhat Spi rituali ufemay bemade ofapparel! ? ib. Whymuff we take heed of pride in appareil ? ib. !What other reafons againff excefs in apparell? ib. tThough weweare fine appareil weare not proude? 113. 1We doe it to pleafe our husbands ? ib. i Wedoe but what moli doe ? we would leave it ifothers would? 114. May we not labour tohide deformities in our bodies? ib. ,VVhy maynot womenpaint their faces ? ib. CHAP. XIV. About Af urane. What is 4 urance ? what the degrees ofit ? how may it be certainly difcerned ? 117. 'Howmay of furancebeattained ? and retained ? , d 19. What may moveus to labour for of furance? ibid. Howmayit be proved thatwe may be affured of our falvation,ì, a at. .Howareweof furedof our falvation ? or how may our graces ha known I to be true r 121. Obje6tións anfwered, ib, What teffimony is that of the Spirit .122. Whethermay the fingleteffimony ofour Spirit affureus ! andwhat if wehaveneitherof them? w 123. ( b) What ;r

The Table. What ifafter all our endeavours toget affurance there is nothing but darknefs : ib. What are the fpecial fealing times ? 124 What ufe mull we make ofof u. ra;ece whenwe haveit t 125 Why doPapifls oppofe this Do&rine? 126 ObjeElionsagainft it anfwered. 127 How can aft ura;:ce !land with that humble esteemthat we fhouldhave of our iclves c 128 But this is a Dottrine ofLibcrtie ? anfwered. 129 What diligence mull we ufe toget afturance r 13o Whydoth it require fuck diligence ? 132 What kind of diligence is required ? 132 Why doth it deferve our belt diligence e ib. How do the Scriptures prove that it maybe attained ? 133 How Gods Spirit can witnefië nowwat there are noRevelations,: ìb. What mull we dowhen thefe teftimoniesare wanting? ib. How shall we knowour Adoption andElation ? 134 Whats the difference between offuranceand prefumption ? 135 How elfe may it be proved that offfinance may be gotten ? Objecti- ons anfwered. 137 CHAP. XV. About Aftrology, and feekers to Affrologers. Who are A.$rolo ers? 139. How may it be proved to beunlawful ? lb. Whether the !tars becertain figns of things to come ? 141. Whether therebe anycertaintte in their Art , becaufe fometimes they hit right ? fib. Whether itiefes andDaniel were learned in this Art? 142. Starsare powerful, why then may we not Divineby them ? ib. Who may be laid to practice this unlawful Art ? 143. Who be countenancers of it ? fib. How, andwhen are Aftrologers tollerated? 144. How many fortsofforetelling things are there r lb. Are thefe Diabolical prediEtions lawful ? fib, But manytimes they foretell the truth ? 245. What ufe may bemade ofwhat is faid againft theme ib. May (lamesbe ufed wherein there are good words ? 146. May we not enquire of A2rologers for futureevents ? and why note ib. Whatare theevils of it, and what furtherreafons againtlit ? 147.. CHAP. XVI. About Atheifis, andAtheifine. Howmany forts ofAtheiffs be there? 249. flow

The3'able. Howa man comes to be anAtbei(t How Both a man let up a falfe in ftead ofa truc God How aremen madeAtheifts Inwhom are Atheiftical thoughts that there is no God r How Both a man by thinking deny God in his heart! Flowdu we turn the true God into an idol ? What is the fruit of this thought that there is noGod! What is Atheifminpractice ? What is Athetfm in judgement ? What are the figns of Atheifm What other damnable thoughts have we concerning God? What are the curled fruits ofthis Atheifine ? Where do the thoughts of diftruft molt affault use What is-the danger of fuch thoughts ? i49i ib. ib. i50. id. 152 ib. ib. ib. ib. 152 ib. ib. ib. CH A P. XVII. About Baptifine. What are theprinciples about Baptifine 15 3 What argument maybe brought fromCircumcifion foc the Baptizing of Infants e ib. Whether is fprinkling fufficient in Baptifinee 154 How is Baptifine a means ofcleanfing ? Objecìions anfwered, ib. What kind ofmeans of grace is Baptifine Whether is Baptifine neceffary to falvation e Wherein do the Papiftserre about theDoctrine ofBaptifine:' Wherein dothe Anabaptifts erre about it :' What is the inward wafhingin Baptifine? Mull the word neceffarily go along with Baptifme Is it lawful to Baptize without a Sermon ? Howmany parts be there of Baptifm ? What benefit have weby Baptifm? Are all baptizedperlons regenerated ? How is Bsptifmcalled the Laver of regeneration ? Towhom is Baptifm the wafhing of the newbirth ? Howmaychildren be baptizedwhich want faith ? What profit have theybyBaptifinewhichbelieve before ? Howmay parents in Faith prefent their children to God tifine ? What ufe fhould we ittakeofBaptifine whenwe come to age ? Howmay the lawftilneffeof Infant baptifm beproved ? Objeótions anfwered. About Dipping, whether it be necelT'aty ? How is Baptifine neceffary? 166 Are all that die without it in the state ofdamnation? Objeetiods an. fwered. i67 II b 2 Whether 155 ib. ib. 156 ib. ib. 157 i6. ib. ib. 158 . ib. ib. 159 in Bap- ib. 16o 161 16ì, C'1'c. 165

The Table. Whether are fureties neceffary ? 168 Whether may children of excommunicated perfons bebaptized. ib. What reafons may be rendred for the affirmative ? 169 Whether have baftards right to Baptifine? Cautions to be obferved therein. 17o How many waies is Baptifmtaken in Scripture ? ib. What is confiaerable aboutthe matter of Baptifine ? ib. What is the fignand thing fignified in it ? what the Analogie between both ? ib. What is it to baptize in the Name of the Father , Sonne , and holy Gnoft. ib. What is done inhaptifine ? 171 What a &ions belong to God in this Covenant ? ib. What is the aftion of the partie baptized? i6. May it not be adminiftred in theName of God ? or ofChrift? ib. VVhat are the ends of haptifine? 172 'Whether Both the efficacy of it extend toall firmes , and to our whole life ? ib. Whether Both it abolish original fin ? ib. What difference between the godly, and ungodly , if finne remain in all ? ib. How Both laptifine confer grace ? ib. Whether cloth it imprint an indeliblecharaéter uponthe foul ? 173 Whether mayLay-perfons baptize ? 4. Theexample of Zipporahanfwered. ib. Whether is haptifine by a wicked man, or heretick true haptifine? 174 Who are to be baptized ? Objedions againft Infant Baptifine an- fwered. ib. Whether the childrenof profeft Pa pills may be baptized ; Or ofpro. fane Chriftians ? 175 Flowoft , and inwhat place baps;fm is tobe adminifircd ? ib. What ufe are we tomake ofour baptifine? ib. CHAP. XVIII. e4borot Blafphemy. What is Blafphemy? What is blafßhemyagainft the holy Ghoft ?? Howmanywaies dothblaf jhemy breakout ? How may we prevent, or cure tentations to blafbhemy ? How Both the hainoufneffe of the fin of blaj hemy appear? How comes Satan to tempt Gods children to blaJ henry ? How many forts are there of fuch Hellifh fuggeftions ? How are we torefit thofebla#hemous fuggeftions ? What is another kinde of blafhemow tentations ? What is Satins chiefeft fcope in thefe tentations ? How may we comfort our heartsagainft thefe bla bemics? I77 178 ib. 179 ISo ib. ib. ¿Si ib. ib. How

TheTable. How may we know that they are from Satan, and not our own thoughts ? if,. Howmay we be freed from thefe Biaf hemayo thoughts? 182 Obje&tions anfwered. 183 CHAP. XIX. About oar Bodies? What is the Efateof our bodies in this life ? 185 How doth itappear that our bodies are vile? ib. Is therenoglory belonging to our bodies? ib. How can our ¿odies bebafefor whichChrift died ? ib. Shall thefe vile bodies be railed up at the laft? 186 Who fhali raife themup ? ib. What leffonsmay this teach us ? 187 When (hall this blelfed change be ? ib. How (hall our bodies be fafnioned to Chrifts glorious body ? ib. What leffons may this teach us? 188 Flow may our bodies be made ferviceable to our minds, and inftru- inents of Gods glory ? ib. Why lhouldwe be careful of the health ofour bodies ? 189 Howmay our bodily healthbepreferved ? ib. How doth ferenityof miede prefcrve our bodily health d ib. How is a fober diet a means to preferve it ? ib. What f bould fuchdo as ufe a fpareDiet ? ib. How Both exercife conduce to bodily health ? ib. How may bodily health be repairedwhen its decaied ? 190 What juft honour is is due to our bodies ? 19 t Howmanifold is the care ofour bodies? ib, CHAP. XX. AboutBorrowingand Lending. What rule millithe borrower obferve towards the lender ? i9 3 How may the borrower hurt the lender in his outward eftate? ib. VVhymutt the borrower reftore the thing lentas good as itwas,or make it good ? ib. What muff hedo whenhe is difenabled byGods hand to do it ? L94 What ifthe Lender be dead, andnone left to require it ? ib. How clfe may theborrower fin in borrowing ? ib. Flowmay the lender fin in lending ? ib. What if the borrower diffembled , pretending that he was able to re- pay whenhe was not ? or beingable, refufes to pay what he bor- rowed ? ib. Whether is it lawful to lend uponUfury ; ib Whether

The `Iable. VVhether maymoneymeerlyconfiriered as the price of all other corn-, modities, be let out for profite 195. CHAP. XXI. about bout Brethren, andBrotherlyLove. Are all GodsChildrenBrethren? and why fo ? 197. VVhat comfort may the confiderationhereof afford,: and what duties may it teach ? ib. VVhat evills mull they avoid upon this confideration:' ib. How {hall we knowwho are Gods Children, and fo our Brethren? 198 VVhat good thall weget by them ? ib. Why fhould we love theme ib. How{hall we know thatwe love them unfeignedly t' ib. VVhat are the impedimentsof Brotherly love ? ib. Howmay the ferventnefs ofour lovebe known ? ib. Vvhat may nouri(h love amongft godly brethren ? 199 VVith what kind of love mull we lovethem ? ib. VVhat mutt wedoe that brotherly love may continue: ib. CHAP. XXII. About Buyiu,and Selling; VVhat Rule mull the Buyer obferve e 201. How may he fin in Buying,: ib. What is tobe thought of Jacobs Buying the birth-right ? ib. What rulemuff the Seller obferue ? and how fo to doe as not to fine ib. Hòw the Seller may finby hurting his neighbour r 202. VVhether every man maymake the bell of his own ? ib. How are we toprife commodities thatwe are tofell,: ib. VVhether may wefell as dearas we can ? ib. VVhether mull thefeller make known the faultsof what he fells to the Buyer ? 203. VVhat generali rules are we to obferve in Buying and Selling? 204. VVhether may we raife theprice forgiving dayes of payment ? ib. VVhat mull the Seller do it he be caufed to call for the moneybefore thofe.dayes ? ib. How farre doth a fraudulent bargain binde in point of Confci- ence? - 205. Whether may we buy Men goods? ib. What mull we obferve in generali in our dealings withothers ? 206. VVhatRules inparticular are we toobferve ? ib. VVhat evillsare to beavoided inour dealings withothers ? ib. What duties are required in buyingandfelling ? ib. How toavoid fin in buyingand felling? 208. CHAP,

TheTable. CHAP. XXIII. About our CallingsandVocations. Ought every one to have a Calling,: 209. Is it a fufficient calling to be a Servingman? ib. Howmuft webehave our felves inour callings? ib. Mutt rich men that need not, have a calling? ib. How elfe may it be proved that all muft have callings? ib. Why mutt we ufe faithfulncfs, and diligence in our callings ? ib. Why is diligence in a calling fo acceptable toGod ? 210. Doe all that are diligentpleafe God ? ib. How is Confciencious walking in a calling a furtherance to a godly life ? ib. Whatelfe may move us todiligence in our callings? 211. Whether maya man change his particular calling? ib. Howmay we live by Faith in our callings? 212. Why is it neceffary to liveby faith in theme ib. What are the aEtsof Faith herein ? ib. How may we live byFaith for fucceffe in our labours,which are above our ftrength, or means ? 213. Howmany forts fin about their cat/bags ? ib. What muft we propofe to our felves in following the duties of our callings? 214. What other Rules a re to beobferved in our particular callings. ib. CHAP. XXIV. About our holy Calling, or Vocation. Ofhowmany forts is the Calling of God ? 217. Of how many forts is thegeneral! calling? ib. What is the external!calling! what the internal] ? ib. VVhy is Converlion termedour calling? ib. What are thecffefts of it ? 218. Wherein appears Godsgreat mercy in our calling... ib. c. How may we walkworthy of our calling? ib. Why fhould we be careful! to knowour calling ? ib. Doth a Chriftian always know that he is called? 219. Howmay it be proved that wemay certainlyknow it! ib. lßy what fïgns may it be known e ib. Howmay we bemade partakers of it a ib. VVhat may move us toembrace Gods call P 22o. Howmay it bedcfcribed? ib. Howmanifold is it a ib. What are the parts of effeauall calling: 221. VVhat is the means of it a ib. VVhat neceflity is thereofit? ib. Why

The I able. VVhy should we carefully attend upon the VVord ? But it we be converted,why fhould we hear fo ofte VVhether is not this calling the fame with fanetificatione VVhat is thenature ofthe call of God e VVhereinMoth the neceffityofthis call appear? How is it a ground of Faith e VVhar are the parts of inward calling ? VVhat are the fruits ofeffeEtuall calling e VVhat'are the marks of it e What are the fgnes of it e ib. 222. ib. ib. 223. ib. ib. 224. ib. ib. CHAP. XXV. e/flout cares ofthe world. How manifold are the Cares ofthe world? 225. 1-Iowmay we arm our felves againft them ? 226. obieEI. I fhould not take fo much care were it not for my Chil- dren ? 228. Why should we not be careful! about worldly things? ib. CHAP. XXVI. About Charity, Beneficence, andmercy. What is Charity? 229. What is Bérìeficence? ib, Are theft duties required of all ? ib. VVho are theobjet ofBeneficence ? ib. VVhat are the properties of it ? ib. How muff we fhewour chearfulnefs ingiving ? 23o. VV hofhouldbe theObje&ofit ? ib. From what caufes thould charity arife? 231. Howmay we bell performworks ofcharity? ib. What are the right endsofcharity ? 232. What mull we give? ib. How much fhouldwe give ? 233. VVhat rules mull we obferve therein ? ib. "VVho may give ? and that lawfully ? ib. VVhether may the wife give without her husbandsconfent ? 234. &c. $nndry Objections about it Anfwered ? ib. To whomare Alms tobe given? 236. ; VVhat order mull we obferve in giving ? ` ib. towhat manner may we beltgive ? 237. Whether may we give at our doors ? ib. VVbat maywe thinkofthem that giveAlmsat their death? ib. Howmay the alms of Chriftians bedifferenced from thofeof world- lings? 239. Now

The Table. Howmany waies muff we exprefs our Charity? VVhenmull we forgive debts ? Howmuff we relieve byfree lending ? Are Alms-deeds Arbitrary, or an all of righteoufnefs? VVhat other Arguments mayprovoke us toCharity? 24r. Many Obje&lions Anfwered? 242, &c. VVhat elfe may move us to Charity? ObjeClions Anfwered? 244. Doth God takenotice of our works ofCharity ? 245. VVhat may move us to perfeverance therein? ib. What warrant had thewidow of Sarepta to relieve the Prophet before her feltand fon ? 246. Is a man to prefer agodly (banger before his brother that is not fo? ib. Whether are we to relieve many ftrangers, before one godly man in ib. 240. ib. ib. ib. want? Why is giving to the poor a duty ? What fnall we be the better for our bounty ? How may we beenabled to works ofmercy ? Fromwhat muttwe fave that we may have to give ? How muchmull we layafidc ? Objeltions Anfwered. What may further move us to Charity? What are Spiritual, Alms? ib. What is Chrills meaning when he faith , Lend looking for nothing avain ? Whymull we fo lend ? Why is it bleffeder togive then to receive ? What is it tobe a giver ? what tobea receiver? ib. ib. 247. 248, ib. ib. 250. 25 r. ib. 252. ib. C H AP. XXVII. About Chaffity. Who may be raid tobe Chaff? 253. IVVhat hurts Chaiiity? ib. ÍVVhenare inward lulls moil vile? i6. 1VVhatarc the inward, and outward things that hurtit ? ib. .Í VVhat arethe remoteprovocations to it r ib. Whatare the nearer provocations to it? 254. May we labour tocover deformities in our bodies ? ib. How may we preferve our Chaftity VVhat is Chaftity ? ib. 255. CHAP. XXVIII. About Children. ,-10,,(0), /2, 3/, What is the bell courfe to have comfort inour Children ? 257. VVhatmaymove Parents to labour after it ? ib. c Wherein

7-herable. Whereinefpecially Both their duty confrfl, that they may finde this comfort ? ib. Whether children should be taught theScriptures r 258. How mutt children manifeft their reverence to their Parents? ib. Whether we may call any uponEarth Father ? ib. VVhat if children be more wealthy, and honorable then their Pa- rents r ib. Whether children fhould ask their Parents bleffing ? ib. Obje&ionsagainft it Anfwered. 259. VVhat other duties doe children owe tó their Parents ? ib. VViterein conflits their obedience ? ib. Wherein their Parents content is neceffary ? ib. Why mull Parents contentbe had in their marriages ? 26o. Whatif theyurge them to marry fuch as they cannot love ? ib. VVhat if they negle6t to provide them matches in due time ? ib. ib. Other cafes about their marriage Anfwered ? Wherein confills Childrens a&ive obedience to theirParents ? 26r. What if Parents miftake inmatters reproved, may not a childe make anfwer ? ib. What is the extent ofchildrens obedience to Parents ? ib. If children yield better reafon, may theynot refufe to obey ? ib. What is further required of children to their Parents, and what rules therein? 262. What duties doe children owe to theirParents after death ? ib. 1-ibwmull children perform all duties to their Parents ? 263. I Muft equall refpcdt be (hewed toboth Parents ? ib. Whether the Father mull be preferredbefore the Mother ? ib. What ifone commands what the other forbids ? ib. Whether Stepfathers in Lawmull be obeyed ? ib- Obje&ions Anfwered. ib. Mult children be fubje& to Guardians, and Tutors ? 2 64. VVhat arguments maymove children tobe fubje6 to their Parents ? ib. 'What if children be grown in years, and not under their Parents Go- vernment ? ib. ' Whether are many children a bleffing ? ib. May Parents make void a Contrail made by their children , without or againfl their content ? ib. Whether is marriage made without Parents content valid ? ib. VVhat Rules mull Parentsobferve in giving names to their children? ib. Who are too curious herein ? ib. Who are too carelefs ? 265. Whymull there be fuch care had in naming them? ib. When is it fittellto give names to our children? ib. How far are children that are married , or called to publick Offices bound to obey their Parents ? ib. VVhat generali Rules are there to obferve in obeying theirParents ? ib. s CHAP.

The Table. CHAP. XXIX. eXbout Chrift. What are we toconceive ofthe IncarnationofGhrift? 267. Howmay this knot be untied ? ib. Howmay we underftand it ? ib. What is further to be confidered about it ? 268. What is the nature that is affumed bythe Son ofGod ? ib. What isfurther confiderable about Chrift ? ib: What elfe ? 269: What are the parts of Chri.FïsPrieftlyOffice ? Whymuff: Chtißß be a propitiation for our fins ? ib. What fatisfaCtion did Cbrift as our furety bind himfelf to per- form ? 270. What was the principali debt ? ib. Whymuff he be man ? ib. Whymuff he beGod ? ib Howmay that appear ? What other debt were we liable to which wethug difcharge ? 271. Whymuff Chrebe more then man ? 272. How is the Redemption purchafed by Cbrift conveyed to us ? ib. What elfe is required ? 373. Howmay this Myflery be further opened ? i6. What is further to be conftdered herein ? 274, What are thebonds of this Myfticall unionbetwixt Chrift and us? ib. What is further to beconfidered in Chrift ? ib. What is confiderable about ChriHs KinglyOffice ? 275i What are the fpeciall branches ofthe Kingdom ofCbri(t ? ib. HowBoth hework this upon earth ? ib. HowBoth he exercifehis Kingly Office towards the Church Trium= ib. 276. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. 277. ib. i6. 278, ib. phant? Whendoth Chri(t firif live in a Chrifliansheart? why mull Chrift be Emmanuel, God with man?. VVhymull thisGodand Man be onePerlon ? How doch Ch;./f1 make us friends with God e 1 How (hall I know that this Emmanuel is God withme ? VVhat benefits have we by Gods taking our natureupon him? Nowcould the deathofone fatisfie for fomany millions? How lothfriendfhip between God andus arife fromhence ? How (hall we knowthat we have comfort in this Emmanuel ? whether is Chri 1 God, Peeinghe faith hispoweris givenhim ? wherein confi(ls the powerofChrift ? wherein doth Chriffs dominion over all, efpecially the Church ap- pear ? ib. IfChri(f.hàthall power, why is theTurk andPope fo prevalent ? 279. I c 2 why

i5: /2, 295 The Ta6k. kwhy is Chrift called oftenan Head ? ib. Are all given to Christ to be redeemed byhim ? ib. Butthe fonof perdition was 1p[, therefore foìne that were given to Christ ? 1 isdtCbrift fully WO* work that was given hiw to doe ? s ha what particulars didthat work confift ? IfChrift hathdone all , what need wee do any thing ? 28;- What are the properties of thework thatChrist hash finished ? ib, whatelfe are vet 4und to believe concerningChrist ? 3b: Inwhat particularswill it appear ? 4. why.muffwebelieve that Grills fulnefs is for us ? 282. whether didChri(f die for all men ? ib.. Howmaywe prove that hedied only for fome ? why ; gheìt;; 4 li_ the Scjipture fpeak fo univerfally of Chrifts ,death ? 283. Doe Reprobates receiveany benefit byChriftsdeath? 284. ldu,w elfe may we prove that he only died for fame ? ib. How then may we know whether we have intereh in Chrii is . death ? vvbat priviledges:hav w.Godly byChriftsdeath ? ih. whit benefits have weby Chrifis Afcention, aridExaltation ? 284. who is thegreatLur Keçper of the Saints ? ' il'. w at Both it imply where Chvi is faid to be fent into the,world?-287. vakhat neceffity was there of Chrifts fending? ibid.; What is confiderable about ChriftsPriestlyOffice: 24ái. What are the properties ofCbrefts Sacrifice ? 2 How is Christ the caufe of our Sanétification ? ib. DidChrift doe as much for one Believer as for another ? 29,a. IObjeftions agairtftbelievinginÇhri(t Answered ? ib. Whether Chrrft loves a ftrongChristianmore then a weaka 29.r. Is there no_difference between.$elievers in refpeet of the, fruits of Chri}fs death ? ib. What is confiderable . about theglory ofChrisi r ib. Whyfhpuld Chrift pray to his Father who could do what he plea.. fed ? 292' What is the difference between Chrifit Prayer andours: ibr... Why is Christ faid:to haveno form or comlinefs ? 293r, Whether was Chniftibeautifull inhis outward feature ? ib;.r HowdidGod hide his,face from hisfon feting he loved'himalways. ida What are the parts of ChriffsOffice: andwhyip,fuch anOrder ? Ur How is Christa Mediatour e 294 Dothitnot,implyt rityr iis Objections Anfwered. ib." What aretheeffeCtssandconfequentsofthe perfonal union in refpßâ. ofChri(ts Manhood ? In what dimedidCbriffexercifeAhe Officeofhis Mediatorfhip

TheTable. VVhat are the degrees of Chrifts exaltation' ib. VVhat is Chrift nowdoing in glory? 296; How doth he there execute his Prieftly Office -t ib. Now the Kinglypart ofhis Office ? ib, How was (hrift revc ,led under the Old Teflament? ib. VVhat arguments will prove Chri;t tobe true God ? 298. How far forth are Chriits actions to be imitatedbyus ? 302. How isthe whole work of our falvation carriedon by Chrit? 303, CHAP. XXX. About the çhssrch. kL,/,'Y I6, 31,, a-fi What is meantby the word Church a 305. In whatfence is aChurch taken in Scripture ? ib. VVhóis the builder ofthe Church? 306. VVhydothChrilt build it ? i.b Hath Chrift a fpeciall propriety in it ?' ib. Row and why is he faidtobe theLord ofhis Church ? ib. VVhether are our Parochiall Affemblies in England-Churches of Chrifi? 307. How is theChurchcalled Gods Peculiar ? ib., Why is theChurch compared to'awoman ? 3o8. VVhat duties cloth thisRelatiorrof aSpoufe to Chrift teachuse ib. Howmull the pleafe her Husband? 3o9. What priviledges haththe as the Spoufc ofChrifl ? ib. Tlowmay the trueChurchbe known ? 3t0 Is the true Churchof Chtift alwayes 'ablef 31 r j VVhat Reafons may berendred for it ? ib. 1 VVhat conclufions may be laid down concerning the vifrbility of the Church ? 312. Arenot all chriflians bound to pray for the peaceoftheChúMch? 313. What muff we pray, for inher behalf ? . ib. what is further included inour prayingfor theChurch ? ib. Howmuffall this be done ? ib. Whoare bound to do it ? ib. Why muffvaevayfor the pcaeeofthe Church? 314. How maywe fopray for it as tobefure to prevaile? ib. What means maywe ufe to further us herein?' ib. Why is the Churchcalled aMother ? 315 Where are we toPeek for her? ib. Are all bound to joyththcmfelvestofotne particular Congregation? ib.., VVhat Churchmuff we joyn our (elves to ib. May-we joynwith fuch aChurch as tollerates the wicked,andoppofeth the godly ? ib. lawful! togatb Churthrt out ofirue-Churches; 316. Is it lawful! to feparate from a Church becaufe of fome Errors; and .` f t defeEts e