Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Chap.' Queftions, andCafes ofConfcienee about A,fit&iions. Anfw. Firft, becaufe the afflielions ofthis life doneither depriveus of anyof thofe things which are of chìefcl} excellency, nor bring upon us any of thofe evils which areprincipally to be avoided. They cannot feparate us from the love of God, Rom. 8.39. Heb. r 2.6. theydo nor extinguiíh nor diminifh in us Gods fan&ifying Graces , but rather they are encreafed by them ; they do not make us more flack in the fervice of God, but rather kindle our affeeti- ons in them. Nor do theyhinder our heavenlyhappineffe, but rather further it. Again, they bring not uponus the chiefe(t evils that are tobe avoided: For they do not empair our 1ptritual e&are : for though the outward man decay, the inward man is renewed daily : they defile us not with fin, but rather (like files) fcoure off our rut} ; they do not fubje&us to the Curfe of the Law, or to the wrath of God, or to the torments of Hell : but ratherby bringing us toa fight ofour fin, and fenfe ofour mifery, drive us to brill the ,great Phyfician of our foules , they hurt us not in the day ofdeath, but by our being inured to fuller them, death becomes much more tolerable, &c. Pjal. 34^ 19, 22. and 129, 2, 3. 2 Car. 4. 8, 9. E.ved. 3.1,2,3. Secondly, becaufe God not onlyaimes at, but powerfullyeffeels our good by affli&ions.*He brings honey out of this gall : blelfings out of thefe curfes, Rom.8.28. Dent.8.56. Lam. 3.27. Pf. i 19.7 r. So Gen. 50.20. Qrie(t. Flow Both God intend, and workoar oodby affíiEtions ? Anf:v. Firl}, in this life,. whether we confider them as trials, or as fatherly corrections: 1. As trials, for they are not alwayes chaflifements for fin, but fomtimes gra- cious trials, wherebyGod trieth us for his glory, and our own good:t So Dcur. 8. 2. Zach. 13.9. r Pet. 4. 12, 13. yob I. 9, Io, 52. and 23. 10. Pfal. 139. I, ç. and this God doth, not t o better his own knowledee : for, Tfal. 139. r, 2. 3cr. 17. Io. Heb. 4. 13. but CO make us known better, both to our felves and others. Again, God tries us byafflictions, whetherwe are trueChriflians or no, left we declare our felves to others as the liony -round did, C/lat. t 3. q, 6. So Mar. Io. 22. Chrift tried the young man. Yea, Godby affiietions trieth what meafure of grace we haveattained u,, r 0, as what meafureof faith and affiancewe have in God. So Alts 21. a. Yoi, 8. 3 Ç. 8. Job 13.15. So alfo of our love, patience, humility and obedience, e/1cis 20. 19. 2 Cor. 6.4, Ç. 2 Sam. 5. 26. Mar. 14. ;6. z.He trieth us for the advancingofour credit, andefteem alto, through the manifef}ationof his graces inus, `Prov.17.3. Ars taa Tjphe facet f non ft in equorefulliru, C c. 3. He tries us likewife for the difcovery of our infirmities, and corruptions for our further humiliation, Pfal. 81.7. Mar.26.7o,71. ueí}. VVhat comfort may the confederation hereof afford pis in oar af fiions ? Anfm. Firft, this confideration may ''uftlymove us to bear all our affliSti- ons, not onlywith patience and humility, but alío with thankfgiving, and fpi- ritual rcjoycinv ; and that a. Becaufe nothing fhould feem roodifficult to be attempted, nothing roo grievous CObe borne, ifit tend to the advancement ofGods dory, which fhould be the fupreme end we fhould aime at in all we do,and fuffet. 2. Becaufe herebywe may get affurance that we are Gods children ; for God trieth, and in trying purifieth us, that we may be veffelsofgloryfor his own ufex ¡fa. 48. to. Pfal. II. Ç. lam. 1.2,3. Queftt. Howmay we know that our of jhic%ivns are trials, and not punifhments forfin? ei4nfw.. Firft, when by themwe are purified, and made to thinemore glori- oufly in the eyes of God and men , through the brightneiîe of thofe faving- 'graces which are manifefted bythem. Se- jf Co... »-. 244, f 55 I.