Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

I, ('Chap. 8 Qj efíions,ancl Cafes ofConfcietnce áboft the Angels: Fifthly, Power : Hence they are called mighty, 2 Thef. 1.7. Strong, Rev. 5. 2. to excel in ftrengch, Pfd. r 03. 20. Refembled to horfesand charetsof fire, z Kings 6. 17. See what one Angel did, I Kings 17. 35. and this is ne- ceftary, becaufe the Church andchildren of God whom they defend, have here I againft them, not only many, mighty, cruel, malicious men, but Principali- ties, Powers, &C. Eph.6.1 z. Sixthly, Speed : Hence they are faid to have wings, ]fa. 6. 2. Dan.9.2 t,23. they are fwifrer then any corporeal fubflances in thefe rcfpeóts. J. They cannot be hindered by any bodily impediments, no corporalfub- f ?.aricc can nay thci; cowrie ; they can paffe through, andpaf c over Cai les, Ci- ties, Stone-walls, Iron-gates, ;Woods, Rivers, Seas, &c. z. They have no corporalgravity to (taken their motion. 3. They neednot fuch ipace of time to paffe from placeto place, as bodies need. They can fuddenly move from heaventoearth, or into any place ofthe world. 4. They have greatforwardneffe to do any taskenjoyned by their Lord, more then any other creatures. Its neceffary for them. 1. Becaufeheavenand earth are fo far afunder, and they have oft occafions to paffe from one to the other. z. Many Saints in theworld, (whofe difIreffe requires prefenr fuccours) are far diflant one from another. 3: Devils a:e very fwiftto mifchief : and its meet that good Angels be as fwifr CO prote t, as-evil ones to annoy. Seventhly, Zeal, which is moft fervent ; Hence Seraphim fuch as burne with zeal, and aflameoffire, Heb. i. 7. Its neceffary becaufe of the fiery fu- ry of the devil and his infrumenrs in plotting againfi Gods glory, andh:s Saints good, therefore thegood Angels mutt be aszealous in maintaining the caufe of Cod and hisSaints, as the otherare furious againfithem. Eighthly, Conftancy in good : and this with refpedi both to their condition anddi;poution. In refpeelof their condition they are immortal, and without decay ; Hence after the Refurre&ion we are faid tobe equal to the Angels, Luke 20.36. In refpect of their difpofition : It alwayes remains good, and ever will do : they never yielded toany evil, nor werewearyof good, nor never repentedof doinggood. Hence 2Zev. 7.15. they ferve God day and night : And Mar. 58. i o. Itsneceffary, becaufe the Lord whom they ferve is Jehovah that ch an. ges not, Mal.3.6.7am.I. r 7. Godeflablifhed the good Angels that [land, and his is the true caufeof their unalterable conftancy. Quell. what are theOffices of theAngels ? Anfw. They may be ranked under threeHeads. Firfi, fuch as they perform to God, which are thefe. /M ''°°- 4 1. Theyattend in hisPrefence for the honour ofhisMajelly, and to fet out his magnificence. So a Kings 22. 19. fop /.61-oi,.w.,, +. They follow the Lord whitherfoever hegoes. Hence ftiledChartes ofGod, Pfal. 68. 17. L 3. They are his Meffengers tobe Penton his Errands, Pfal. 104. 4. Dan. 7. Io. 4. They are oft employed in declaring hisWill, as in delivering the Law, Á11e 7. S3. Gal. 3. 19. Heb. 2. 2. So in divers other particulars : As Gen. 16. 7, 9. and 19. i. 2 Kings i. 3. Dan. 7. 16. Luke 1. 53, 26. and 2. IO. Alls 1. r r . and 5. 19, 20. and 8. 26. and 10. 3. Revelar. I I. oz. 14. 5. They are his Minihers, todo what Godappoints them, Pfal. x03.20. gen. 6f 19. I. Numb. 20. 16. Numb. 22.22. Dan. 6.22. I ; 6.Tbey V. VI. VII. VIII, Iò