Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Que.' àon.r, airdCafes Coofeienc,e abotst the C;hap. a .1kAcevr 6. They are, Executioners of Goc s iudgements,as z Sam. 2 . 1.5316. 2 Kiev. ¡ 19.35. kev.15.7. 7. They are fpecial infiruments of prailing God, Rev.: 7. 1t, 12. and 4. s. 'Hence th. y are called on to do ir, Pfal. 103.20. and I.Z. 42 II. Secondly, fuch as they perform in relation to Chri(, and that of ecially as Son of mail : As, Ingeneral, they afcended anddefcended on hint, john G n 28. 12. H, b.5 6. Pfa1. 91.1h More particularly, I. They foretold hisconception, Lake 1.30,31. 2. D.claredhis birth, Luke 2.9. C7c. 3..Preveníedhis danger, A'íar.a.i 3 14,. 4. Minifirèd to him inhis need, t) 2 r. I. 53. Prote ted him from enemi.:s, Mar.26. S 3. 6. Comfo:ceed him in his A,ony, Luke 12. 43. 7.Opened his Graveat his Refurreaion, Mat. 28.2. 8. Witneffed his Refurredion, Luke 24. 5,6, 23. 9. Confirmedhis Afccnlion, Alts t. i o, I 1. to. Accompanied him to Heaven, Pf.68.17,18. Epk.4.8. r I. Reveal tvhar he will havedone, Rev.I.1. and 22.16. 12. Fight with him againfi hisenemies, 7ev.I2.7. -13. Gather out of his Kingdome all things that offend, Alatrh. 13. 49, 5n 14. Accompanyhim at his lafi corning, Mar.8. 38. Ma1.25.31. 15. Execute his 'all judgement, Mar.13.49,50. Thirdly, Such as theyperform in:relation to mens bodies and foules, in this life, and hereafter. In general, they are faid to attend on the Saints, and to minifier to them, Heb.5.14. Hence, Mat. 18.10. In particular, 1. They are Stewards to provide for them in their need, 1 Kings 59. 1, &c. 2. As Phyficians to cure their maladies, `john 5.4 3. As Nurfes to bear up and keep them fromhurt, Pf.91.1I,12. 4. As Guides to dire6t and keep them from wandrings, Gen, 24. 7. and 32. 5. 5. As fouldiers to guard them, Pfa1. 34.7. 2 .Kings 6. 17. and to defiroy their enemies, 2 Kings 19.35. 6. Refcuers and deliverers to pull them out of dangers, Aas 5. 19. and 12.7, &c. Dan. 6, 22. In reference to our foules in this life : 1. Theyare as Prophets or Teachers to loll ru& them, Dan. 8.16 17 and 9.22. Like 5.t5,34,35.í4' I.I.I1. 2. They are Comforters to them in their feares and perplexities, Gen.21.r7. Ifa, 6.6,7. 3. Coadjutors toBand with them againfi Satan, Zach. 3.5,2. Judg.9. 4. Fellow-members to rejoyce with them at the Converfionof timers, Luke 15.IO. 5. Tutors topunith them for their offences, that theymay be brought tore- pentance, 2Sam. 24. 16. In the life to come they are, i. Watchers, to carry their foules at the feparationof them from their bodies intoHeaven, Luke i6.22. 2. As Keepers at the lafi day to gather all the Ele& together, Matth. 24.31. 3. Fanners or Fifhers to feparate the evil from the. good, Match. 13. 49. 4. CompanionsinHeaven to joyne with them in praifingGod, Rev. 7. 9, 50, I1. Dr. Gougeon Heb. Quefi.