Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Chap.8. Qlteftions,andCafes ofGonfeience about the Jngels. j 63 Qaeft. why dothGod ufe the cillinisiery of the eAng:ls about us ? Anfw. Not for anynecetlity, fo: he can do it of himfif without them ; but to declare his abundant love to, and care of us in providing for our comfort, and making farre more excellent creatures then our felves our Keepers. Quell. why are the Angels fsch tender Keepers ofGods children? Anfm. Firft, becaufe. Chrill our Head (who is their Lordand Headalto ) harh reconciled things in Heaven and Earth, Col. 1. zo. VIZ,. Angels and men ; fo that whereas they hate us for our finnes, now they tender us as hi members. z. They loveus as Nurfes their children, now that they fee that God loves us I[. fo dear ly, asto give hisown and only Son to death for us. Thirdly, becaufe he bath given themcharge and commandment fo todo, Pf. III. 91. II. C)uefl. ghat comfort Bath the con ideration h.reof bring to Gods chil- dren? Aifw. Firll, When we fee our own weakneffe and impotency on the one hand, and the multitude, power and policy of the enemies on the other. When we fee a whole Army offins believing us, and awhole Legion of dangers ready to oppreflè us, we may be comforted when we confider, that not onlyGodsP:o- tedlion, like a wall of fire is round about us, but that he bath alio fee his Angels to pitch their tents about us, fo that there are more with us then again(+us, and the bleffed Angels are ilronger then the powers that are a,;a.inhl us : and when we confider that God path not only char; ed one or two Angels with us, but the whole blefied company of them, to defend and pro tea us. Secondly, when we neglect the watch over our felves, throu h fleep of II. foul or body, what a comfort is it that the Angels watch over our fafer- rs Mat. 2.13. when fof'ph flept, dreaming of no danger from H.roi the Angel admonifheth him in a dream, and tells him how to efcape. Thirdly, when we fee great difficulties between us and our &fires, what III. comfort is it that we haveGods Angels ready to do it to our hands ? as M :r 16. 3. They can rowle away all Rones, and make our way fL ooth for us to all good duties. Fourthly, whenSatan begins to iniult, and makes as ifhe would trample up- IV. on us, what comfort is it that we have io liron a guard about us, one An ,e1 being able to (hut the mouth of this toaring Lion, as he did thofe in Da.- ni.!. Dr. 'i ailor. / " g. Fifthly, that their care andattendance onus will be perpetual, becaufe their V. love to us is founded on their love to Chrift our Head, whofe Members and Spoufe we are. ob. But Gods children oft fall into inconveniences, how then are they attend- ed by the Angels? Anfw. Firft, they are preferved by the Angels from many inconvenien- I ces' that they knew not of : as we have devils about us continually, fo cer- tainly there is a confliabetween the good Angels, and them about us conti- nually. Secondly , if at any time we fall into inconveniences, its becaufe we are out II . ofour way, and then they have no chargeover us. For Pf.91.I t. Thirdly, ifwe fuffer in the cuflody ofAngels any inconvenience, it is that we III may be triedby ir, exercifed and madebetterby it : For ifthey keep us not from ill, they keep us in ill, anddeliver us out of it at length : fo that there is nothing in the world that befalls Gods children, but they are gainers by it at fall, whatfo- ever it is, Róm. 8.zS. Queft. {