Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Quef ions, andCafes ofConfcienceabout the "¡Ingelt. Chap,g Q,efl. what may this Guardianfhip of the Angels teachme ? /-Lfv. Fìrll, Not to grieve rhefe good fpirics : Its wondrous humility in them that th::y will fioop to be our fervants that are weaker, and baler then they : and its wonderful patience that they will continue to guard us, though we grieve them by our finnes : this confideration would keep us from fecret finnes where no eye of man fees us , but God and our confcien- ces, and the bleffed Angels fee us , and grieve when we fall into ' (inn Secondly, tobieffe God that bath thus honoured us, not only by taking our nature onhim, but giving us his own guard of Angels to attend us: which thews that in Chrift we. are advanced above the Angels: indeed they Hand, and are confirmedby Chrifl, hence called the Ele& Angels, r Tïm. ç. 2.1. but they are not the Spoufe of Chrill aswe are ; hebath honoured our nature more then the Angelical. Quell. But what need we the guard of eXogels,fineGod canguardus'wit.;- 'out t ens? Anfw. It is not by reafon of any defe& in God to fupply his want of power, but further to enlarge and demonftrate his goodneffe : GodFould do it of hitnfelf, but havingordained fuch ranks of creatures, hemakes all to ferve for his own ends. If Quell. whatmay we learnfurther from hence ? Anfw. Firfl, to take an holy State upon us, and to thinkour felves toogood toabafe our(elves to 6n, to be flaves to men, feting wehave Angels toattend upon us ; weare Kings, and have a mightyguard, therefore we fhould carryout felves anfwerable. Secondly, defpife not the meaner Chrillian, feeingAngels defpife not to at- tendupon them. Quell, What excellencies are attributed to the Angels inScripture ? Anfw. They are faid to be excellent for holinefle, cAlar. 8. 38. excellent for beauty, efltls 6. 15. excellent for ffrength , Pfal. 103. zo. excellent for wifdom, a Sam. 14. 57. excellent for fwiftnefle. Hence Ifaiah 6. a. Quell. Wherein fhould we imitate the Angels? Anfw. Firfl, rejoyce at the Converlion of (inners as theydo, Luke 55, Secondly, Reverence the Majellyof God as they do, by coveringtheir fa- ces, Ifa. 6.z, z5. Thirdly,Stand readyprell toexecute the Will of the Lord as they do, ?fal. 103. 20, 25. Fourthly, execute it for manner as theydo, viz. with chearfulnefle, finceri- ty, and without wearifomnefs. Queft. What further comfort may the Nature andOffices of the Angels af- ford us ? Anf.Firfl,ln regard oftheir readinelfe they flandbefore theface of God,ready to take a Commiffion fromhim toexecute vengeance on the enemies of the Church, or to do fervice for the heires of grace. Secondly, here is comfort whenweare folitary: whenJacob wasalone, the bleffed Angels were with him. Thirdly, in refpe& ofour weakneffe : the Angels are Nurfcs to uphold and keep us fromdangers. Fourthly, in refpe& of contempt : If the world contemn us, yet Godho- nours us in giving usfilch fervants. Fifthly, in refpe&of evil fpirits; though theymaligne us, yet the good Angels love us, and are for us. Queft. How are the Angels imployed ? Aufw. .