Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Chap, 8 Quefions,andCafes ofCanfcaenee about the fingels. 6 i Anfw. Firll, in refpe& of God they Rand before him to execute his Will , I. Pfal. 103. 2o, 21: and topraife him, Ifa. 6.3. Secondly,In refpeet of man they are employed. 1. By why of punt hment, and that ( r . To blinde them that they cannot fee, Gen.19.11. J 2. To flop them that they cannot gó,N,tm.2 2. 26. (3. To flay them that they cannot live,zKing.19. r 5.AEts 12.23. 2. In mercy ro the godlie, and that r. To defend them fromdangers, Pf. z. To comfort them in troubles, Luke 22.!13. 3. To encourage them in duties, 2 King. 1.1 5. 4. To reveal to them hidden myfleries, Dan.9.22,23,24. 5. To carry their foules to heaven, Luke 16.22. QUefl. How elfedoth God ufe the t3Ylinifiery of Angels ? .Anfw. Fitt}, in the fwaying cf the Kingdomcs of theworld, and wherein we I, live : For Eph. 3.1o. they are called Principalities and Powers, becaufe God gives them a preheminence under him, anda power of ordering there inferiour things ; As the devils are called, Powers of darkncffe, Eph. 6.12. becaufe the wickedneffe of. the worlddoth fer them up as Kings and Princes : So 3. the Angels are called great princes. They are made to he above Kings and earthly-Powers, aGod is above them, Ecc!. 5. 8. Marvel not at the oppref- fon in aProvince ; for there is anhigh one above theHigh on earth: and there is the Father, Son, and Spirit, higher Thenboth. A created Angel led the Ifra- elitesinto Canaan, as may be-gathered by comparing the zo. and 31. Chapters of exodua together. Secondly, they are Gods Warriours and Miniflers of his manifold decres. Hence they are oftencalled Chariots, 2 Kngs2. 1 r. and 6. 17, Hab. 3. 8. Pf. 68. 1.7. Thirdly, they are Spirits of Heaven, Mat. 24: 36. Gal. 1.8. retembling III. their Creator as children do their father : Hence they are called, Sons ofGod, Tab r. 6. and 38.7. both in regard of their fubllance, which is incorporeal: and in regardof their excellent properties, life, and immortality, bleffednefle and glory, a part whereof is their jolt Lord(hip, and Command over the inferiour Creatures. For as they (land before the Lord, who fends them our at his pleafure to ferve hisProvidence, fo they have no fmall Ilroak in ordering andmana- ging natural and civil affaires. Hence Ezek. t. 6, 7. they have faces to look e- very way, when asGods Watchmen, they (land Sentinel in Heavens Turret their feet are like Calves feet, round, and ready to go either forward or back- ward withgreatefl facility.- For as they fee everyway, fo they are readyto go e- very way, for difpenfng Gods benefits, or executing his chaflrfements on the E- lea, andhis vengeanceon reprobates. Letus Mbour toobey God as the Angels do; elfewemay be Angels forg:frs,u»dyet go to He/l. Angels wait for Gods commands, and are ready to run onhiserrand, Mat. 18. {{o. Dan. 7. to. Jacob faw them at Bethel, afcending to contemplateand praifë God, and to miniler tohim ; and defcending to execute Gods Will up- on menfor mercy or judgement ? Quert. what other employment have they Y eAnfw. They are eye- witneffcs of what isdone in the ChurchofGod, r Cor. 11. so. The woman, ought to have power on her head, becaufeof the Angels. This was fhad©wed out in the old Church ? Exod. 36. 8. the Certaines were wrought with Cherubims, to liignifie that about us, whoarc the true Tabernacle, and Church of God , there arc troops of Angels: Hence x Timothy 5. 21. K QueR. II.