Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

I. II. Iv. V. VI. VII. I. n. Qsefilons, and CafesofConfctence Chap.9 For in words we profeflc our felves Chrifts fervants, but indeeds we dcny him : We li`,ht1y regard his prefence : fin againfl knowledge, and confcience , &c. If ever we had jufi caufe of indignation, it's again(} our felves for finning a- gainer God. Quefi. Why is anger rightly to be ordered ? r4nfw. Firfi, becaufe of all paffion; it's dcepliefi rooted , and extends its branches farthefi ; For no age, condition , or nation are free from it : other palions onely trouble force particular perfons. Lull enflames one ambition another, covetoufneife another, &c. But whore flares arc enflamed by anger , and fury. Secondly, Inordinate anger is moll infamous : an argument of shameful le- vity, infirmity, madneffe. An angry perfon hates truth , embraced) errour , oppofeth them that admoi iih him ; entertains perverfe counfel : forgets his own credit : is an enemy tohis own fafety : againft himfelf is untameable : a- gainft his neighbours is intollerable : under a weak pretence of revenge anger makes men violate all bonds offriendship ; tread underfeet all Laws both Di- vine , and Humane : Other pafliions will hearken to Reafon , but this to none. Thirdly: asof all infirmities there arenone worfe , or more . dangerous then thofe which disfigure the faceofa man : fo ofall Patrons none are more per- nicious then anger : for the eyes offuch a man fparkle : his face is enflamed with bloodwhich flows from theheart : his hair flares with horrour : his mouth foames : his tongue falters ; his feet and hands are in perpetual motion : hevo- miteth out nothing but threats ; fpeaks of nothing but blood and re- venFe, &c. Fourthly, It's a deceitful paflion: An angry man feesnot the thingas it is, and yet hells and boils inwardly. - Fifthly, it's the chara&er of a fool, Prov. 12. 16. and 14. 17, 29. erclef. 7. 9 . Sixthly, it makes a man unmindful ofhis own condition : If poor, yet heel waste his goods : Being a private man, he would rule : being weak,he becomes a lion : whero delay is requifite, he makes hafte : wherehafte is neceffary, he doubts. Seventhly, an angry perfoncan neither pleafe God nor man : He regards no commandments; loth nothing in order, but all rafhly and .without dif- crenon. weft. what are the feveral kinder of difordered anger that muff be fhunned ? Amp. It's difordered when it's not moved by faith, arifeth not from love , keeps notwithin its bounds, and is not directed toa right end. The kinds of it are many. Firfi, devilifh,which rageth againftvertue and ñodlineffe ; is incenfed by inno- cent and vertuousa&ions; as in Caine, Genef.4, 5, In Saul, 2 Sam.,O. o. In c4'fa , a Chron. 16. io. In the Jews , Like 4. 28. InNebuchadnezzar, Dan. 3.13. Secondly , rafh,and unadvifed : the branches whereof are, 1. Unjuil anger that proceeds from our ownfufpicion and imagination only, as in Eliab, ISam. 17.28. z. Whenwe are provoked without caufe, or upon every fmal occafion con- trary to the law of love, 1 Carinth. 13.7. Prov. ro, 12. and it's a mans glory to gaffe by a Tranfgrefen , Proverbs 19. rt. And fo fudden an- s>er which is admitted without deliberation ; condemned, Ecclef,7. 9. Its a foolifh thing , Prov. 14. 17.29, fuch abound with tranfgreffions , Proverbs 29. 22. Thirdly .z