Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

TO THE Chriftian Reader. Chriftian Reader , J` Tbath been long and often complained of, that our Engli(h Divines , who of all others are judged thefttefl, andablefl to write Cafes of Confcience , in regardoftheir manifoldex- , periences in this kind, haveyet done fo little. Gwa The Friers and fefuttes have written many large Volumes ofthis SubjeSi, which yet are rather fo many dunghills ,thenfo many Gardens ofTweetfinellmg Flowers, and tendrather to thecorruping of , then to thefatisfying oftroubled foules, as may be amply seen in a book lately taught to fjeake Engli(h, called the Myftery ofJefuitifine. i have long expeEl ed, andhoped, thatforce abler pen would haveundertaken this work o f fuch great tendernefs , and va, fi extent, the rather becaufe it bath been the desre, and requefí of all the Forraign Protefiant Churches that fowe fuck thing'. shouldbe done, at lead by our London Mìni(lers. And tru- ly the work is toogreat, and the burden too heavy for one mans (boulders : net feeing that none ,elfe wouldfet about it , 1, who am the moll un1 t , and least ablefor fuch an Herculean labour have