Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Chap, 9 about Anger, Wrath, Malice,&,c, for the moR part this is but apretence, whereby we cozen our felves, and others to palliate perfonal hatred. If we take Gods caufe fincerely inhand, we muff 1conforme our felves tohis Will and Wifdom, expebting till he fend his Meffen- ger,Death, attach,, andbring the wicked before his Tribunal, Tfal. 37.8. Ceafe fromanger, anal forfaire wrath; Fret net thyfelf in any wife to da evil, for evil doers ['milk. cut off, v. 10. yet a littlewhile, and the wickedfhall not be. Ifwe hate wickedneffe, we may be fure that God hates it more, andwill punifh it : but in his own time,to fatisfie his Jullice, not our humours ; Certainly, if we hated iniquity in good carneft, we would hate it more inour felves. Ifour enemies be wicked, we mull love them for Godsfake, and for our own, becaufe me allo arefubje l to the like infirmities. Dr . Peter du t..Moulin of governing the Pafons. Qiell. How is iromederaie anger afn? Anfw. Firff, in regard of the impulfive caufe of it, when a man is excellive- ly angry, where he bath no juft reaion for it, c_*tar. 5.22. Secondly, in regard ofthe degree andmeafure'ofit;when,thoughwe havea juff caufe, yet our anger exceeds the caufe, Gen.49.7 Thirdly, in regard of the end, when it is not direaedto Gods glory, and the rel}raint offin : but that thereinwe leek our own glory, orprofit, or the fa- tisfying of our proud mindes, Prov. 13. to. and 21. 24. and 28. 25. Fourthly, in regardof the direét effe&sof it : as whenwe break out into cur- ies, execratious, and reviling fpeechesin ourPatton, Pf.106.33. Fifthly, in regard of the indireet effeas of it, as when we thereby lofe the ufe of our reafon, Prov. 16.32. Luke 21. 19. or when it wo its not the righte- oufneffe of God : that is, when by our angerwe are disfitted for thofe duties which God bath prefcribed, and requires of us. Sixthly, in regard of theduration of it, when it continues longer then it ought to do, Eph. 4.26. .Amef. Caf. Confct. CHAP,