Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

0 85 CHAP. X. OleIlions, andCafes ofConfcience about Anger in God. Hatis artier in God. eArnfa.. Its the inward difpleafure which he hath againff fin, and his purpofe to punifh ir, accompa- nied ivith thre'atnin s upon hispurpofe, and execu- tionupon his tFreatnings. ueff. How may it beproved that there is an- ger in god ? (111,1w. Fini, by his judgements executed upon finnets as upon the lapfed Anels: the old world: Sodom and Gomorrah: the ten Tribes: the two r ihes, &c. Secondly , by his threatenin;s againff finne , lfaiah 63. 6. Yoh 42. 7. Thirdly, by the Saints complainin of it,and praying againfl it,as Pfal.6.1. and 3 ..I,3, anal 74.I. and 90.1T. Quell. Why is there a,c«er in God ? ' nfw'. Firf , becaufe of that antipathy which is in him agaiinfi fin, as it's con- trary to his pure nature : oppofd Godand would turne him out of his Sover- ei ;nty : For by finwe call out God, and admit the devil into our hearts, and pre- fer our lulls before Gods will, and our carnal reafon in contriving finne before Gods wifdom in his Word. Secondly ,Sin is the only, objea ofGodsanger,though foolifh perfons make a fport and trifle of it : For it, e4Fdamwascafi out ofParadife, Gen.3 3. the old fvo lddfiroyed, Gen.6. r 3. z Prt.3.1 a. yea, is made God in a fort angry with ,his own dear fon , fo that he cried out, tiliy God, myGiod, why halt then for- , ,t,,.-, me, Mat. a 6 and if God ilhewed anger agarnfi fin by pumfhing it in our Surety, ChriCt, whowas made fin forus,andyt had no fininhimfelf: what will ¡b: c o.,-,... ofwicked and ungodly finners. V Cruel}, why area rdgenentscalled Gods anger? tl ,fC. Becaufe they tfluefrom his anger: For its not the judgements , but the an=er in themwhich lies heavy upon the foul : whereas whenwe fufeer ill, knowing that it is not from anger,. butfor trial of outgraces , or for exercife of them we take it patiently. Hence, necrr. i8is7.The Lordwill!mite theewith the borchof Egypt, and with the Emnd.c, and with the fcab, and with the itch, of thou canfi not be healed : What is a fcab, òr the itch (which now are fo iliht fetby) fuck a terrible judgement ? O yes, when it comeswith Gods dif- M 3 pleafure II;