Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Queflions,andCafes o, fConfciènce Chap. t t, evangelical promifes. There are indeed noconditions required of us in the GofPel , bit what the Lord himfelf hash, or flail work inus : but it Both not therefore follow that no conditions are required of us ; for requiring the condi- tion is the means towoek it , and the means and end Íhould not be feparated : As Chills ri:hteouinefle muff gobefore as the matter, or moving caufe ofour juflification:fo faith mull go before this righteoufnefs,as an inllrumcnt,orapplying caufe of it by whichwe are luflified:'Tis true,God juflifies the ungodly. But not ltr.- mediatly without faith,but mediatelyby faith, Rm.4.5. when theApofile affirms that we are juj?died by faithwithout warkf,he dothhereby plainly give that tofaith which he denies to Works : fo then as he denies works to be the antecedent conditionofour juflification , fo he affirms the contraryoffaith which goes be- fore our juflification. Believe, and live. Obje&. There is no fn now but unbelief, which is afin againf1 the Gofp, l onely; therefore there being nofinagainft anyLaw,Chrit having abolifhed it by his death, the Law cannot be our rut ? Asfw. Are drunkennefs, whoredone, theft, &c. then no linns to be repent- ed of , or, watched againli, but only unbelief ? will not the Lord judge men, not only for unbelief, but for all the works done in the body, as Rom. 2. 16. 2 Cor. 5. I o. Is not the wrathof Clod revealed from heavenagainTt all nnriPhte- oufnefie, Ci^c ? Rom. 1.18. If therewere no fin but unbelief , how can all flefli, Pews and Gentiles become guilty before God, that fo they may believe the Got- pel ? as Rom. 3, 21, &c. if they be all guiltlefs till unbelief comes in ? No fin indeed (hall condemn a man if hebelieve , but it will not hence follow that there is no fin but unbelief; fin is before unbelief comes : a tick firmer, before an healing Saviour : fin 'kills the foul, as it were, naturally, unbelief, morally : No fin (hall condemn us ifwe believe : but it Bothnot hence follow that there is no fin before,or afterfairh,becaufe there is no condemningfin,unlelfe we fal by unbelief. Obje&. But now rò preach the Law favours of an Old Tcflamene fpirit , which was wont to wound , then to heale, to humble, and then to ratfc : But now we are to be Minifhrs ofthe New Teflament, and no Law is ro be heard of? "Info. Indeed to preache theLaw as' the meansofour juflification , and as the matter ofour righteoufneflè without Chrifi, or together with Chrill, as they did, a Miniflry oftheletter,not of theSpirit:But topreachChrìfi plain - ly,as the endofthe Law,& to preach theLaw,as the means toprepare for,and ad- vanceChriti in our hearts is noO1dTcflament"Minifiry,neirherdoth it put a vaile upon mens hearts that theycannot fee the end ofthe Law, as z Cor.3. 4. but it takesaway the vail of all conceit ofmans own ilrength , and righteoufneflc by feeing his cafe , that fo he may flie to Chrill, and embrace him for righ- teoufneffe. Objea: -Indeed the children of the Old Tel-fitment were under the Lam as their School-mailer to lead them to Chriff,Gal.3.24,25. Butnow (faith the Apoftle)we are no lónver under this School-inafler? Anfw:uBe it fo that the fond of God are nowno longer under the terrour of this School mailer, is itnot therefore a Minifiers work to preach the Law unto the flaves of fin ? Obje&. No, but we mull fay: Thou poor drunkard, &c. here is a God that bath loved thee, and a Ch'rifl to die for thee: here is falvition byhim only,'becaufe thouart a!inner,fear not ; thou art free from damnation, Chriigdiedfortbee. Anfty. Is a poor 'drunkard, a villain that never believed in a Date of con- demnation ? Rom. 8. r. Paulfaith, there is no condemnation to them. that are in Chrill, but whereare they freed that areout ofChrif} ? who areby nature the children