Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

tchap. io about force ofthe dntinomianErrors. children ofWrathwhil'l+dead in fin , Eph.2. r, &ca muchl'effe are Inch tobe- lievc becaufe they are fuch : Are not filch Minifters therefore that preach this doétrine like thefalle Prophets, Ifa. 48. tilt. and 57. ult. that cry, peac.,peace, whenGod faith there is nopeace to the wicked? and faithnot Chrift, john 3. ult. He that believes not, the wrath of' God abides on him : It was upon him be- fore , and when he believes not , it abides Bill on him. Muft the Mi- siitlers of the New Teftarnent preach lies , and tell drunkards and villains,be- fore they reject theGofpel by unbelief,that the Lord loves them, and there is no condemnation to them ? Ob;eht. Io j]edee of oflification by fanflifecationis a doubtful evidence, a carnal and inferiorevidence ? Anfw. If CO be under the power anddominion of fin be a certain evidence of condemnation fo that he that lays he knows Chritt, and yet walks in darkn'fs is a liar, rJohn 1.6. and a. I. then fanctification, whelkby we are freed from the power of fin , is a clear and full evidence ofour ahtaal jufIification : r joh. z.3. Hereby we know that we know him , if w e k _ p his Coma,andmnts : So A51. 3. ult. Chrift is fens to blefe his p'ople b) turning. thew from their inigeeiti s then they' that are turned from them by, him , may know certainly that they are blelfed. So r Tim.4.8. Godlin:ffe bath the promtfe of this' life, and that which is tocome ; therefore fanétificationis a clear evidence of Gods love to us; fanetification is always an evidence in it felf of a juftiftcd eftate,thouO it be not always evident untous. Now toprove that its no carnal,and inferior, but the firft evidence , and a principal one, take thLfe propofitions. Firfi, the freeoffer ofgrace is the firft evidence to a poor loft finner that he maybe beloved. Secondly, the receiving of this offer by faith (relatively confidered in refpeei of Chrit#s fpotlefl'e righteoufneffe ) is the firft evidence that fheweth why he isbeloved, and what bath movedGodaétually to love him. Thitdly, the work offan&dification (which is the fruit ofour receiving this offer is the firft evidencefhewing that he is beloved. See Shepheards morality of the Sabbath. Objeét.That which revealethany evidence ofafurance that I am Chrifis,and he is mine, is the Spiritbreaking perfonally, andparticularly to my heart, with filcha voice, Son,, be ofgoodcheer, thyfins are forgiven thee : and this is that broad feale of theSpirit , making an immediate impreffion on my heart , without any begged tellimony from works offanïlifcation, which is the revealing evi dence of my interefl in Chrif.: and the receivingevidence is faith, believing this 7eflimonyof thefpirit, only becaufe thefpiritfaithfo; not becaufe Ihave eviden- ces or particular works of fantliftcation filch as are, univerfal ob;dienee, fince- rity ofheart,and love of the brethren ? Anfw. The 1'40 is the blackdevil,taking away all certainty of affurance : the Antinomian is the white devil ; a fpirit of hell clothed with all heaven,and the notions ofFreegrace ; they fay, Free-grace inus is a dream : fanetification inherent is a fi&ion : Chrift is all : there is no grace exiftent in the creature ; Grace is all inChrift, and nbrhing but imputed righteot fnefhe. But if works of fandtification can give no affurance, then Firft, the joy,and rejoycing which we have in theTeftimony ofagood confci- ence, that infimplicity, andgodlyfincerity, not withftefhly wifdome, but by the gr4ce ofGod, we have our converfation in the world , 2 Cor.r.r 2. muff be but a dream..David, fob,vTiofcs,Samuel, the Prophets, and Apofiles, their joying in a good confcience,muft aril fromdoubtful and conjectural evidences : yea,then none can fay in any aflurance: ¡believe inChrifl : In the inward man I de- light in theLaw of god. I am crucified to the world. My converfation is in Ileaven,: 95