Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Chap. x i about facie of the Jntinomiau Errours. vinfro, This will not follow; for if our wórks of San&ification were the caufes of our peace and comfort, then it might have fome colour oftruth: but, though thefe works have fin cleaving to them, yet becaufe our fupernatural fenie of the Spirit fuggefteth that thefe works are the fruits of faith, and are done infome meafure of fincerity, and flownor from the Spirit of the Law, butfrom the Spirit of the Gofpel, therefore they lead us to Chrift, and drive us upon a clear Gofpel-Promife, thus. Firít,That the adherent finfulneffe of our works are purged by the blood of Ch. ill. Secondly,Thatour peace and aflitrance dependsnotupon our works,but upon the promifes of the.Gofpel in fuch Scriptures as thefe; z Tim. q.'7, 3. I Cor. 9.24. Rev. 22. 14. Only our inherent qualification leads us, as a moral mo- tive, to look to the Pro:nifes of God, which is the foundation of our peace. Thirdly, ifworks of fan&ification beno fure marks of our intereft in Chrilt, becaufe.fin cleaveth to them, which involvesus in the curfe, then neither can faith in Chrift be a fure mark ofour interefl in Chrilt, becaufe it is mixed with finful doubtings : But as faith ;unifies, not becaufe,its great and perfe&, but becaufe its lively and true, (as a palfie-hand may receive a piece ofgold as well as a firong cne)fo altodoour inherent works ofSan&ification evidence tous that we are in Chrift, and fo lead us to the Promiies of the Gofpel, as fignes, notcaufes of our inteteft in Chrilt, and that under this notion, becaufe they are fincerely performed, not becaufe they are perfe&, and without fin. Fourthly, in exalting Chritts righreoufneffeoneway by makingChrilt all, they make Chrilt nothing another way, by vilifying the glory offançtttfyinggrace. For we arenot bygood works to make our calling and ele&ion lure to our felves, and in the evidence.of our owncotifcienccs, if our goodworks beno figues of our interefl in Chrilt. Fifthly, the Spirit which they make the only witneffe, muff be known to us by Scriptures, not to be a deluding Spirit : For if thisSpirit cannot be known by thofe things which are called the fruits of the Spirit, Gal. 5. 22. Love, Joy, Peace, etc. as the fruits are evidences of the life of the tree, thenmen are to labour for faith, and the raptures, impreflìons, and the immediate and nerfona 1influencoof a Spirit fromHeaven without makingany confcience ofholy living, and fo this is the high-way for menvoid of all fanetificatiento believe that they are in Chrilt ; s and they may live after the flefh, and yet believethe Tefti- mony of the broadSeal of an immediate working Spirit. Mr. Rutherfords Par'l. Sermon. Ob. Bat Rom. 4. 5. Its faid that God juffifies the ungodly ? Anfv. Firif, Some anfwer it thus : that thefe words are not to be underflood infenfa compofito, but divifo, and antecedenter : He that was ungodly, is, bin jultified, made godlyallo, though that godlineffe Bothnot juftifie him; and fo they compare thefe paffiges with tholeof making the blinde to fee, and the deafto hear, not that they did fee whilcft they were blinde, but thole that were blinde do now fee ; which is true and good. But Secondly, Ungodly here is meant of fuch, who are fo confidered in their nature, havingnot an abfolute righteoufneffe : fo then the fubje& of Juflifica- don is a firmer, but withal abeliever : Now its impoffible that a man Ihould beabeliever; andnot have his heart purified, alts 15. g. For whole Chriff is the obje& of his faith, who is received not only to juftifie, but alto to fan &ifie. Ob. But mom. 5. ro. ChrifP diedfor uswhilelf we were enemies ? eAinfw. If Chrift died for us whileft we were enemies; why do they fay, that ifa man beas great anenemy as enmity it fclfcan make him, if he be willing O to