Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Chap. I 99 CHAP. XI I: 2ué)(lions, andCafes' ofConfcience about 1°, poafie, or Falling a2ay. uelly -,_v Flat is cflpafiacy ? Anfw. It's a leaving or forfaking that good way and courfe whichmen, had once taken for the obtaining ofgrace : fo Ga1.5.4. Te are fallen from grace. Objet. How may forts of e,fpoflacy are there ? Anfw. Fir11, there is a falling from God, either fecret, when the heart by dillruft is withdrawn ; or open when men do blafpheme the truth , and rail at the Doe-trine ofGod, as thofe Jews did, AR.' 9.9. Secondly, there isa temporarydefeâion, or falling away, which afterwards is repented of : Or a final of fuck as die in their Apoflacy : as 3u1:= an did. Thirdly, there is a fpiritual defedtion from fome part of DoF.trine and obe- dience; as in David, Peter, &c. And a total when the foundation of faith is denied. Fourthly , fomefall from God in their firft yeares, followingtheir fuperfliti- ous Anceflors, as many that are borne of Popifh parents: Others that fall in their middleage after their enlightningwith the truth, as f undry inconflant Pro teflants ; which fall to Popery , or Herefie So r Tim. 4. a. Foretold , zThef. 2. 3. Fifthly, there is a univerfal departure from the whole DoStrine of Chrif} after it is once known by theenlightning of the Spirit, with a malicious defpite of it,becaufe its the truth of God,Heb.6.6. and 3.12. and 1 0.29. Read more ofit, z Pet.2.2o. i Joh.5.16. Quefl. Howfarre may a childe of God Apoflaaize, andfall back,? ,Anfw. Fist+, hemay lode all his zeale ; and be but lukewarme, Rev. 3. r ç, 16. fo r Sam. 17. 16. there wasno zeale in any to oppofe the blafphemy of Goliah. This was foretold , Matth. 24. 72. The love ofmany (hall wax cold. 01 Se- Ir.