Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Tothe Reader. lation , bid overabound exceedingly with joy, 2Cor, 7. q.. As an old- beaten Porter to the CroJ, 1Vlalluit tollerare, quartz deplorare : His flroake was heavier then hisgroaning,Job 23. z. Premat corpus , fremat Diabolus, turbat mundus , ilk femper exit fecuru s, faith Bernard. Let Men , the World , and the Divels doe their worm , they cannever hurt him that 1p bath a good Confcience. Confcientia pura, femper fecura.l AgoodConfciencebath a fure confidence, be that bath it, fits ( Noah - like) Mediis tranquillus in undis : quiet in the middefi ofgreatefl combuftions. It will snake a man fleep with out a pillow, yea without a bed. It made Jacob talje filch good refi upon a f one : Peter tofleep jofweetly , though laden with Iron Chains, and( for ought he knew) to die the next day. Philpot, andhisfellow Prifoners to fingPíalms , and to roufe as merrily in thefirawin the Bifhops Coleboufe, as if they had been upon down beds in a Pallace. Itsa Feafl with any food, thoughnever f o courfe and(lender. Hence itsexcellentlyfaid: In minimo maximum eíî: bona mens in corpore humano : 'qux fi adft, deliciofus vivit, etiam is qui teruntium non habet in orbe, quam fi in unum hominem fexcentos confies iSardanapalos. Itsafull Feafl, a ladling Feafi : notfora day, I. as was Nabals : nor for feven dayes, as was Sampfons ; no r ;nor for ninefcore dayes as was that ofAhaíhuerus : but a du- 41 rable Feafi without intermon o f (olace, or interruption offoci- etie. Vis ergo ( Ohomo) fen(per epulari ? vis nunquam 4trií}is are ? ( faith Bernard) bene vive. Wouldefi thou !never befad? would'fl thou turn thy life into a merryFeffivall ? Get, andretainagoodConfcience : and then Imayfay to thee in Solomons words, Eccleí.9. 7, 8, 9. Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy , and drink thy Wine with a merry heart : For God now accepteth thy works. Let thy Gar- mentsbe alwiaes whire,and let thy head lackno ointment: Live joyfully with the wife whom thou loveíl, &c. Thud youfee what are the benefits, and priviledges of' a good Confeience, whichfhouldmove andquicken no to the [Judy of Cafes of Cçnfcience, whereby we may be enabled to beep a Con.