Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Qeiions,aadCafe' ofConfcience Chap. a it : as z Thef , 2. to, 11$ 12. Its a moil woful thing when wedo not love the Truth, Ordinances, Obedience, Duties, &c. See alto Rev. 2.4, 5. and 3. 16. Now further to quicken us, let us confider 1. We have life, and why lhouldnot God have it ? In him we live, move, and have cur being : He gives us life and breath : why then lhould we not Pive it himwain ? the Rivers that come from the Sea, return to it again. We lhould therefore with the t/Ylacedonians, z Cor. 8. 5. yield ourfelves to the Lord. z. All the world is alive in their courfes : O let.Chri(lians be. alive in theirs, as c/`klich. 4.5.Every man walk{ in theName of his Ç 4 : Let as walk in The Name of God. They mhof belly it their God, or their pleafures, pro - fits, preferments; &c. their mtnde and affeaions run all that way, why lhould not webe as forward inour wayes. 3. Confider the worth of theKingdome of Heaven, eternal life, theGolpel, Prayer, Ordinances, &c. Are they fuch poor beggerly things, that they are fcarcc worth looking after ? Yea , they deferve out bell affe- &ions. 4. Ifwe be quickened, nothing willbedifficult : for nothing is hard to a willing miude : the difficulty of Religiranis over if a man be quickened. To fuch: an one Gods Commandments are notgrtevozu, t John 5. 3. whereas if our hearts be, dead, there is the greater labourrequired, Ecc/. io. io. Its hard for fuch to overcome lulls, to perform dudes whereas quickning is as oyle to the wheeler, it makes it go eafie. 5. It will yield a great deal of peace, joy and comfort, as Pfal. 85. 6. `Revive 10 again, O Lord, andwejhall rejoyce ix thee, Such as follow God with an camel hearr, have fuch joyesas none elfe can meddle with, God gives them unknown comfort, joy and peace.. 6. It would makeHeaven it felfe torrejoyce : as the Father of the Prodigal t This my fon was dead, and dot'', live; : take 15. 3 a. therefore its meet we lhould rejoyce. So when a poor foulthat was dead before, is now quickened in his wayes, the ,Angels'in : Heaven rejoyceatir. 7. Ifwe were quickned, we lhould not onlydo our felves good, but othersal- fo. So it was with David, Pfal. 34. 8. himfelf being quickened : O ralle and fee (faith he) that the Lord is good, G c._ O fears the Lord ye his Saints. And v. t t. Come childr:n, hearkenonto me, Tle teachyou thefeare ofthe Lord, &c. So it was with `Paul, AC-As 26. 29. VVoald. that thou, and all that hear me this day, were not only almoll, her altogether fuch as I am, C? c. FennecsAlarm. SecondPart. Q ueft. How do temporary believers wither , and fall away from grace ? Anfe. Firfl, in judgement, when they fall from the grounds of fincerity, and truth whereof they were onceperfwaded ; asmany, who forby- refpe&s are carried from the truthwhich they once embraced ; fuch was Demas, who for fook the truth to embrace the prefentworld : The Galatians, whoby little and little fell to another Gofpel, Gal. i. 6. Atfirfl through weàknelle,and inpart: af- terwards in whole, andby obflinacy. Hymenatms andPhiletms, who onceheld the truth concerning the Refurteltion , but in (hart time erred from thefaith, and deFireyed thefaith of many, z Tim. 2.18. As this was propheciedof thefe latter Ages, fo our eyes have feen it abundantly fulfilled in numbers in thefe our dayes, whohave departed from the faith, and givenheed to the fpirits of errour, and dollrines of Devils, a Tim. 4.1. by turning Anabaptills, Anti- Scripturitls, Antitrinitarians, Seekers, Quakers, Ranters, &c. Secondly, in affe&ions, whereby they fall from theirfirfl love and zeal which once