Chap. i¢ CHAP. XiV. 0 fiions, andCafes ofConfcience about Affurance. Quefl. S yr ro gat ïs (4ffurance ? e.4nfw. It is a refle& aet ofthe foul, by which a Chriflian clearly fees that he is for the prefent in the flare of grace , and fo an heite apparent to glory: Qùefi. what are the k}ndes, or degrees of this Affurance? Anew. Ora, an Ailurance, or certainty of adherence , and application, whenwe certainly apply , and adhere tothe promife , and to Chriff therein ; peremptorily divolving, and cafiinGour felves upon him for falvation , though perhaps without evident and fenli1e comforts : Calleda receiving ofChrift , John x.12. A cleaving to the Lord with full pnrpofe abeam. Aar r r. 23. fo that ifwe midi perifh,we will perilhbelievin;:This is the lowefl ftep of affurance whichevery trueWeeverhash. Secondly , acertainty ofevidence or experience : when by the refleeaioj of confcience, or faith upon our felves, and Our own a5,ls, or by the teftimony of thtSpirit ofGod,we evidently fee that we are in the flareofgrace,experimentally difcerning what God hath done for us, and that upon fuch and fuch grounds , e&sofgrace, or other difcoveries, as being a new creature, 2 (or.5.17. (talking tnthe light , r John 1.7. walkingafter the Spirit, not after the fefh, Rom. 2. r. loving thebrethren; i John 3.54. This aflurince is ufuallyattend- ed with much comfort , and joy ; yet every Chriflian acuities not to it, but lhould labour hard for it: Itbelongs rather to the dell-being, then to the being of aChriflian. Thirdly, án unttaggering certainty,or full aititrance , when there is fuch a full perfwafion as overcomesall debts, feates, and unbelief : fuch was A- brahams , Romans q.. r7, &c. This is the highefi pitch of Affirrane attainable iu this life, and next to celeftial enjoyment, which few at urine unto. Qua. Row may the truth of affsranre be difeerned ? feeing fame that _ _have