Chap. 14. about ,dffurance. >r19 I. 12. But prefumption in fuch cafes is a miferable comforter. 6.. It fills us with joy in hope of glorywhen tribulation bath done its wort}, Rom. 5. I, 2, &c. But prefumption bathno true hope of another life, Ephef. z. 12. uefl. How may this ajurante be attained and retained? 11,.f,;,. Firft, be much in felf examination that we may finde where our evi- dence clearly lies, z Cor.i3.5. Secondly, quench nor, grieve not the Spirit r Thef. 5. 19. £ph. 4.30. by II. any known finne , for the Spirit is given us that we might be affured , and know the things that are given us of God, i Cor. z. io, &c. and he affures us convimcin ly , clearly and fatisfaEtorily, Rom. 8. 16. Eph.I.I 3,14. with i Joh. 3.24. and 4.13. Thirdly, cherifh and improve all our graces ; for every grace hath evidence in III. ìt;efpecially alluring graces; as knowledge, Col.2.z. Faith, and Hope, Heb.6.ri,I8,19. Fourthly, conflantly exercife our felves herein to have a confcience void of IV. offence towards God and man, in all parts of well- doing. 4ttis 23. i . and 24. 16. Rom.8.16. I Joh. 3.18, 19, &c. 2Cor.I.2z. ¡f4.32.17. `Prov.i4.26. Pfalme 50.23. Joh.24.21. Fifthly, Remember former experiences of affurance. So Pfal. 77.7,8,9,1o. V. and 61. a, 3. and7r. 5, 6, 20. Sixthly, labour toget out of thofe conditions which are prejudicial , and VI. obitruetive to affurance ; which are i. The infancy of grace : filch have not their fenfes exercifed to dif- cerne their condition , JJcb. 5. 13,14. Labour tobe grownmen, r Cor. 14.20. 2 Pet. 3. 18. 2. The fpiritual (lumber, or fleepoffecurity : then our evidences fleep with us ; as, Cant. 3. 1, 2. and 5. 2, 3, 6. 3. The fpiritual fwoon of defertions. For when God withdraws the light of his countenance, we difcerne not our fpiritual life, Pfalm 22. i. and 77. 7, &c. and 85.14, &c. Labour therefore to remove defertions, the confliels of tentations, and other fouldillempers. Seventhly, diligently, andskillfully improve thofe notable affuring Ordinan- VII. ces, the Word, the Lords Supper, and Prayer. For, i. The Word was written that beleevers might know that they have eternal life , r Joh. 5.13. Joh.15.1r. I John 1.4. Let it therefore dwell richly in us, Col. 3. 16. 2. The Lords Sup- per feats up remiffion offins , O3íat. 26. 27, z8. Communion with Chrift , I Cor. 10.16, 17. and interefi in the newCovenant, i Cor. i r. 24, 25. 3.Pray- er , which pierceth heaven, creepsinto thebofome of God, andoften furnifh- eth the doubting foul with affurance , Joh. r 6.24. Davidoft began his prayers with doubting, but concludes with affurance : as Pfalme 6. i, &c. 8.9: and 31.21, 22. and 13. 1, 2, 5, 6. Quell. What .Motives may flirre us up to labour for 4krance ? eArnfw. Firf}, the want ofitexpofeth the deare children of God to many miferies ; As, I . It argues great weaknefs of grace :' and that they want the anointingof the fpirit, r Joh. 2. 27. Cor.2.i r. butwe fhould not be aiwayes babes , r Cor, 14. 20. Ep1.4.rz, &e. 2 Pet. 3. IS. 2.It argues ftrength and prevalency of corruptions,and tentations,as inDavid, Pfal. 51. 8,12. 3. Or fpiritual defertions, theLord having for a time forfaken the foule , and withdrawn himfelf, as in the cafe ofDavid, Pfal.22. r. Heman, Pfal. 85.14, &c. flfaph, Pfal. 77. 7, &c. the Church, Cant. 3. r, 2. and 5. 6, 7, 8. Secondly,