Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

'Chap, 1.4.' abostt 9erñcè.. 12.3 Thirdly, the Spirit or Godwitneffeth according as the Word witneffeth : Try III. the fpirirs : 7o theLaw, and to the Teflimonter, &c. the Scripture was en- dited by the Spi;it, and the Spirit cannot contradict himfelf: fo that whofoe- vet rebels againli the light of the Word, (hall never have the light of the Spirit. (2. efl. Seeing, as the Spirit breaths when it pleafes, fo it Pines when it plea- fes, whether thenmay a Chriflian that hath bat the jingle Teflimony of his own Spirit, be attired of hisfalvation? Anfw. The witnelfe of our own fpirit is a true affurance, though is be not fo clear anaffurance. I may fee a thing certainly by the light of a Candle, yet I may fee it mo a clearly by the light of the Sun. The light of the Spirit may and doth often withdraw it felf, and leave us only the witnelfe of our own fpi- rit, and yet then the foul harh affurance. Quell: But what if l havenot thewitneffe of Gods Spirit, nor of my own nei- ther ? Anfw. Have recourfe to former affurance. Doeft thou remember that once thou hadil a fweet ferenity of foul ? that an enlightned confcience upon good grounds did fpeak peace CO thee ? Didf} thou never fee the light of the Spirit crowning thy foul with fatisfying beams ? then be fire that thou art Rill in the fame condition ; for there is no total falling from race : Gods love like himfelfis immutable. The Spirits refimony is of eternal truth. So didDavid, 2, when his joy was extinguifhed, and he would faine haveit lighted again, Pfal. . 51. I2. I(eflore unto me thej,y of thy falvation, and uphold me with th) free Spirit ; whence are implied, r.That for the prefent it wastaken away. z.That I. 2. he had it. 3. He rettsembred that he had it, and Cher:fore prayes to have it re- j. bored. Davids own fpirit was now very unquiet , and Gods Spirit had with- drawn it felf, and nowhis bell refrefhing was his former affurance. Remember this, that the leaf} drop of true grace fhall never be exhaufled : the leali fpark of true joy1hall never be extinguifhed. Quell. But fuppofe we have neither the Teffimony of Gods Spirit, nor of our own, nor can recal former affurante, what fhall the foul do then ? Anfw. In fuch a time look to the beginnings of grace : Look now to the foules prizingofa Chrift : to thewhimperings after the breaf : to the longings and breathings after its beloved, thoughts upon him, defires after him, endea- vours for him: theres much comfort and fweetnefe in thefe: I, and forne kinde of Adurance. For, Firb, God that hath begun this great and goodwork in thee, will nevergive I, it over till itbe full and eompleat ; He ufes not to leavehis works imperfe,;,t : The very firb motions are ofhis own planting, and (hall lack nowateringfor encreafe. Secondly, the lealifeed ofgrace, as its choice and precious, fo irs vigorousand II. attive: it will never leave workingtill Chrif} be formed in thee : whohath le- fpifedthe dayof(mall things ? Zach. 4. Io. Hethat is richeft in grace began with afmall flock : Improvebut prefent brength, and Godwill fend thee in frefh fupplies, that thou mayeft walk from Rrength to Rrength. Thirdlie, if thou canft not fpieout any grace in thy felf, borrow light of ano- ther : Layopen thy foul toan Interpreter,oneofa thoufand, that may explain thy condition better then thou canfithy fell, lab 33: 23. He'll fhew thee, here is grace,and there isgrace, and theresan"evidence,cc. Quell. But what ifafter aiithis, there is a totaleclipfe,allcloudsandblac/e- effeanddarkneffe, and the veryvalley ofthe(hadow of death ? e/4nfw. Firfl, when there isnocertainty ofevidence, yet even thenhave a cer- I. ICaaintyof !Adherenceand Recumbency. Nowgrafpe aPtomife : roll thy fell up- ! R 2 on