Chap. 1,41. about f1fJKrance. ltz9 and are humbled ; with the other they look upon Chrift and free grace, and areaffured ; with the firft, Paul looking upon himfelf, cries out that he was the feaft of Saints, and chiefeft of finners ; with the other he looks upward,and triumphs with affurance, Rem. 3. 38. 39 Ob. But this is adoEtrine of liberty. If men may be affured that theyfhall be faved, then they may live as they loft. t/4nfw. Firft, no fuch matter, for God will not put new wine into old bottles ; God never prints his love upon the heart till it be,renewed, and pre- pared with Evangelical mehings,and the fame feale that ptints his love,printshis Image alfo : A flinty heart will not take the feale of the Spirit ; The white (lone with the newname is never given, till the heart of done be taken away. The fouimuft firft become an Ark of the Covenant before the pot of hidden (_Manna fhall be put into it. Indeed if God fhould feal up his love to an unre- generate man, whileft he hankers after his lints, he would make fuèh an ill Life 'Of it, as to turn the grace of God intowantonnellk : when the Sun chines up- bn dunghils, they fend forth the greater flink : but when it chines on fweet herbs and flowers, they fend forth a more fragrant (Melt. God fers his feal on none, but fuck as have an.happy conformity to him, and a full compliance with him : Such as have the fame interefts, and thefame glorious ends withhimfelf: fuch as delight inhis Law, and feed upon his Precepts as upon an honey-combe : fuch as have anantipathyagain(l fin, yea, againft the veryappearance of it : fuch as are ready to pull out their right eyes, and cut off their right hands for him : and therefore there is no danger that fuch will abufe their affurance to liberty. Secondly, Sonsof God that have this affurance, are led by the Spirit of God, Rom. 8. id. and' therefore cannot walk after the fill), Rom, 8. t. They are borne of God and cannotfin, i. e. wittingly, and wilfully as wicked men do, r fahn 3. q, they hate it as Godhates it : theyhate it more then hell,and there- fore there is no dangerthat they will abufe mercy to liberty. Thirdly, nothing is more indufirious thenfaving faith. It looks fo to the end [ Salvationl as withal its molt induftrious in the ufe of meanes toattain it: as reading, hearing, medicating, praying, innocent walking, patient bearing of crofts, holy living, converfing with the godlie, Running the fociety of the wicked, &c. Fourthly, love is a fweeter, furer, and ftronger principle of obedience then feare. The Law indeéd is an hammer to break the heart ; but the Gofpel is a I eY to openhearts. A foul affured of Godslove, how will it twineaboút a Precept fuck fweetneffe out of a command, catch at anopportunity, long for a duty ! How Both it go like a Bee from flower to flower, fromduty to duty, from ordinance to ordinance, and extraels the very fpirits and quinteflnce of all : fuch a foulwill fend back the ftreams of its.affe&ions into the Ocean : In- deed fuch as are.fkighted into obedience by feare, would foon abufefuch love. But love returneslove, andthe loveof Chrift will çonftrain fuch to obedience, z Cor. 5. Ia. Fifthly, Experience manifefleth that none walk more exaelly and clofely with God : then fuch as are molt affuredof his love ; If we-look intoHeaven, there wemay fee the g. rious Angels, andglorified Saints, that have notonly a full affurance, but a full pofïef iconof the loveof their God: and yet where hath God more univerfal and cheerful obedience then from thefe ? Hence we pray, Thy VVil bedone inearth as it is in Heaven: and whereas they fay, there is moredanger in fraile men that dwell in houles of clay ; we an- fwcr, t.. They fhould entertain more honourable thoughts of the excellentones of the "earth, ,whomGod noW fleeps inhis own nature, and love, toprepare them gradually forHeaven: S z.Thoügh' I. 11. V.