Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

134 IV. V. Queflions,andCafes of Confcience isi Het hat 1Palk -uprightly. beforeGod, deals ÿaflly withmen, fpeaks the truth from his hart, c c. Thirdly, by i ¡ofi,5.13. where three things are evinced. 1. That he that hash, communion and fellowthipwith God in Chritr maybe undoubtedlyaiThredof his fàlvacion: which the apoflle tells was the end of preaching the Gofpel to them, chap. t. 3, 4. where alto he gives foure infallible notes offalvation. rr, By .remit-ion offins throu,h the blood of Chrifl, v.7. Ob¡ea. But ho,.:, may this pardon offin be known ? snfw. He anfwers. Firfl, by our humble and hearty corifealon ofthem to God,v. g. Secondly, if out confciences are pacified by the blood of (h:itt, 1t0rt.5.1. 1 J.,1i.3.zi. i; By the fanaifying fpirit whereby weare renewed in holinefs and righ- teoufnefle, r Joh.3.24.. 3. By holinefs., and upri htneifç of heart , , and life , i John 1.6,7. 4.. By perfeverance in ,the knowledge; and obedience to the Gofpel , L 1 _john z. z4. r 2.r "e that is the ac:opted Son of God 111a11 be undoubtedly Paved, I John 3.2. 7Roroo.8.17, Objea. But l,o-,v(hall we knowour Adoption? Asf;r By there flgns, r 1. If thou truly beleevell in the Sonne of God , Ga1. 3. 26; a john 3. 2. By a 23. hearrydefare, and earnelt endeavour tobe cleanfed from thycor- ruprions,,1 7oh.3.31:. 3 By the love of a,Chritlian,.becaufe he is a Chriflian , r ?ohm 3. ro, L I',IZ, &c. 3. They thatare affuredof the love .of.GOdto them in particular , may alto be affured of their falvation, i John. 9. and Gods l'ove to us may be known, r1:Byourlove tathebrethren, r Jgh.4.zo,2r. By our love to God, 1 Job. 4:59. which is alto known by two lignes. a. By our conformity to him in holinefl'e : A child that loves his fa- ther.will tread inhis Reps;1 J4.3.r7.:not:in equalityand perfeeii- on,but in fimilitude, and conformity. 2.: B J the weanednefs of o. affeaions from. the things ofthe world, L I ohn 2.15. ur Fourthly, by z 7 im.2.19. thefoundation of God remains fare having this feal , The Lordk,noweth whoare his , ere.. i.e. the decree of Gods elelion (lands firm, and lure : So that they which are eleaed (hall never totally and fi- nally fall:away. Quell. But howJha /l I know that I am tithed ? Anfw. Paul anfwereth : By the fpirit of. prayer and invocation : and by a care to forfake all fin:Let everyone thatcats upon rhelVameoftheLord departfrom iniquity. Fifthly, by z Givi alldiligence to makeyour calling and eletlionfure, &c. and this he tells may be done bygetting and exercifingthofe graces men- tioned, v. 5, 6, 7 Mr. Perkins 2. Vol. p.r8,&c. Is there anygood to begotten bydeparting from.Chriß ? by leaving our fir(} love ? byquenching.thefpirit? and makingApofiafae from former degrees of grace .and. holinef e ? can any fonofleffe c o for us as Chrifi can ? Or db we think 'Chap i