Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

QueIlion!, and Cafes ofConfcience Chap. I4 z. Soul-fearching and felf-exarnination : or by a frequent comparing our hearts with Gods Word , and comnúning with them about the. proper effeas of grace, and fruits of theSpirit in tís. 3. By the illumination and teflimony. of Adoption. .a. By the Ordinances of the Word , Sacraments, prayer, and aholy and cón- liant life of them, i Jo!, 5. r3. 5. By conflicts with doubts , and by retiflance of-unbelief : as 'Nark. 9 2 fo that aflurance is not ordinarily obtained withotiunuch paints. Hence, zPett. I. 'o. But prefumption is gottenwirhout means or paincs : without forrowfor fin,felf-examination, &c. fponte nafcetur: It grows up of its own accord, which is a tune that its a weed, and not an hc4 o fnr ce. Again, as aflurance is bred, fo it'sfed, and maintained by meanes, viz., the confiant exercife and difcovery of grace : the careful performance of duties, avoiding fin, maintaining communion with God, &c. whereas prefumption, as its ,,ouen,fo itsmaintained without care,or cofi. Thirdly, theydiffer in their effe&s; which are leven. t. him, and fear to offend him, endearsGod to the foul to lovehim, delight in him, long after and to be careful to ferve and pleate lünl, Lpb. 4. 29,30.31. but prefumption (firs upno affections to God, Fuchs love. him no i better, fear him no more : leave not tin, nor amend their wayes. z. it makes men jealous of themfelves , and fearful leaf{ they fhoiìld mil 1 carry : They are al ured they thall hand , yet take heed let+ they fall : that they íhall be faved, yet wo. k it out with fear and trembling, ¶fa1. 2.21. Phil. 2.12. But prefumption makes men fool-hardy, and unfufpitious that they fhall either fail or fall. 3. Aflurance humbles the heart inEht, and fence of Gods great goodnefs, and ofits ownunworthinefs. The hihera foul is lifted up by aflurance, the lower it is in its own eye, magnifying God and debating it felf. It cosipaflionates and pities others, and prayes for them, but prefumptionmakes menproud, and well conceited of their ownworth,anci deípifers of others. So Lck, 18. t r. 1am not as other men, c? c. 4. Aflurance growsby degrees to aplerophory, it comes not all at once : But prefumption is at its full ftrenyth at firfi. 5. Aflurance bears up the heart finkingunder greatetì afielions : as it fupported Chritlin the height of his Patricia, 4i[atth.27.46. fo it did Davids at Z,glag,'Sam. zo.6.But prefumption fuffers the heart to faintat fuch times; and it becomes like Nabaá,sSam.z5.37. when carnal hopes fail,theheartfails: and fuch loon fall into defpaire. 6. Aflurance joyns means and end together : andmakes us as careful to ufe means, as confidently to expe& the endof our faith, the falvation of our fouls: As to wait upon God in all his O, dinances , towalkuniverfally in all his ways, &c. But prefumption divides between the end and the means , and feedsa man with vain hopes, as 2 r. That hemay go to heaven though he live in fin. 2. That he may come to heaven, though he ufe nomeans, &c. 7. Aflurance fears not , nor flies trial, but delires it for difcovery whether it be found or no : but prefumption limnsexamination , and cannot endure tobe tried. Like counterfeit coine that cannot endure the touch-flone, or falle wares that decline the light. Fourthly, they differ in the adverfaries to them. For, Aflurance is much affaulted by Satans tentations, by natural unbelief, doubts, fears : Its diflurbed and weakened by fin, efpecially if it be indulged , and by the negleaofholy duties, yea, oflukewarmnefs in them: But prefumption is trou- bled withnone ofthefe. Mr. 'Keyers Precepts. I35 1v.