Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Chap. 14 about 11JTurance. '37 Queß. aywhatfurther arguments may it be proved that this afurancemay be attained ? e_4nfiv. Firß,Becaufc God bids us make it fore, 2 Pet. 2 Cor. 13, Ç. therefore it may be done. Secondly, Ifa man may know that he believes, then he may be affured of his falvation : but a man may know that, 17oh.z.3. Thirdly, If a man may know that he is faneiified, then he may be allured that he shall be faved : for thofe are infeparable, Rom. 8.3o. therefore, Fourthly, Ifwe may have peace towards God : yea. that peace that paßéth all uuderßanding, and joy unfpeakable, and full ofglory in believing, as Rom.15. t3. then we may be affured ofour falvation. Fifthly, If we haveentrance with confidence into Gods prefence , £phef. 3. I C. then we may be allured. Obi. But its pride aird prefonption ? íinfv. Yea, ifwe look for falvation byany thing in our (elves : but we are allured of it only for Gods free mercy,and Chrif}s merits : betidesGod requires ie of us, and its pride to difobey God. Obj. Nomane name is in the Scripture ? Anfw. But there is better, for there is the beleevers nature and properties. Obj. But thepromifes arefet down generally, or indefinitely , not particularly to me ? ./Infw. We may by a true, and found reafoning make it good to our (elves : Thus we do from the general propofirions ofthe Law, infer particular conclull- ons : For how knowyou, that you have defctvedGod. wrath, and damnation? But becaufe the Scripture curies all the tranfretfors of the Law,D:-ur.a7.26. but I have broken the Law, faith my confcience : therefore you conclude that you are under the curie : fo may we do from the Gofpel. Who fo believes in Chriß (hail be faved : but I believe in Chria, therefore I (hall be Laved : The weary , loll and laden (hall havemercy;butfo an I,therefore I iball have mercy. Obi. But we are bidden to workout ourfalvation with far and trembling ? Anfw. Not with a flavifh fear : For we mutt ferve God without fear alt our dayes, Lulu 5.74. but with a godly fear of offending, which (lands well with Affurance. Mr. Rogers on Faith. CHAP.