Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

CHAP. XV. Quefions, andCafes ofConfcience about Aerology, andSeekers to A f ro ogers. Ho are Afrolooers ? _ Anfw. Suchas gazeon the Heavens to reade the fates and fortunes (as they terme them). of men and States, perlons and people in them, and to fore tel from thence what good or evil (hall befal them. Such were of old held in high effeen with the. Babylonians, Dan. 0. zo. and 2.2. and4.7. and ç.7, xi, is. Alto withother Nations, D. 2. io. and with the ungodly Jewes, Ifa:47 s 3, 14, r S. with whom they did confult about their weighty af- faires, because they took upon them to foretel things to come. They are called Stargazers. and monethly `Troonofhicators, Ifa. 47.13. They are joyned with Magicians, Sorcerers, Chaldean, Dan. 2.2,10. Soothfayers, Dan. 4.7. Wife- men, Dan. 5.15. How may it be proved that this kinde of Divination is unlas- full ? Anfw. Firft, that which the Word of God condemnesas a grand offence, is not tobe praelifed, countenanced or tolerated : But divining by the liars is condemnedbyGods Word : as Deut. 18. to, It. ThereJballnot befound a- moege you any one that ufeth Divination, or an Obferver oftimes,or anEnchanter, or a Witch, or 4Charmer, or a Confulter mitt familiarfpirits, oraWizard, ora Necromancer : for all thatdo theft things are an abomination ro the Lord. And . the looking after them is expreffed bygoing a whoring after them, Lev. zo. 6. So Ifa.z. 6. Thou haft forfaken thypeople thehoufe of Jacob, becaufe they are re- plenifhed from the Eaft, andare Soothf Ayers like the Phili' bins. And ifa. 47. i 3, 14. Thou art wearied in thy counfels : Let now the Aftrolorers, the Star-ga- zers, the monethlyProem°flicators ftandup, andfavethee from chafe things that fhall come upon thee : Behold, they 'hall be asHubble, thefare'hallburn th.m : God forbids his people tolearn thefe Arts, Ter. io. z. Thusfaith theLord, Learne not the way of the Heathen, and be not di/rayedat them.-They are called liars, lfa.44.25. Thatfrufhrateth the tokens of the Lyars , and makes the Diviners T z made' F3g I.